We have long known that dogs can understand some of it, we people say. But new research shows that your cat actually understand more than you might think.

Cats can learn to respond to the sound of their own name, showing a slight attempt by Japan. It writes The Guardian according to the Science.dk.

Hence, could any suggest that you some times being ignored deliberately, when you call.

the Study’s first author Atsuko Saito, stresses, however, that found is not so surprising.

– There are many studies about the ability of dogs to communicate with people. We believe it is important also to show the cats abilities, says Atsuko Saito, who is a lecturer at Sophia University, to The Guardian according to the Science.dk.

the Researchers made a series of tests, which among other things, they played 4 words of 16 cats.

the Words were recorded by the cat’s owner, and the last words were the cat’s own name. The researchers would like to know if the cats reacted to the sound of the name.

And they did.

the Cats responded rarely very strongly. Often the moving of the head or an ear – a trend that many pet owners with a lethargic cat may recognize.

But the experiment indicated that several of the cats put special attention to it when their own name was mentioned.

Nine out of the 16 cats responded after hearing their own name. The researchers performed two other tests, both of which showed the same trend.

The Guardian has presented the research results of associate professor in the dogs – and katteadfærd from the University of Bristol, John Bradshaw, and he is not as enthusiastic about found.

– from my point of view shows the study not much is known about the relationship between cats and humans, but it shows that cats can learn, that there is value attached to special word – and it is something that most cat owners already know, says John Bradshaw of The Guardian according to the Science.dk.

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