most people realize that the average joe need to extend their working life. More and more are becoming increasingly older, which no one is against because it is a healthy sign, but it also tends to increase the demands on health care and pension systems. An important part of the solution to the equation is that the 65-plussare themselves are working more.

the Members of the Delegation of senior labour wrote in Saturday’s DN Debate to the potential for growth in the aged 65-74 years is the whole of the 800 000 people in the year 2030. It is based on a report made by Lisa Laun and Mårten Palme.

All must not continue working with the same thing after 65, and both the data and the working time must be adjusted.

some will not be able to or want to work on, to the body or the temper put a stop to. But many can do it. To raise the formal retirement age have been necessary, but it also requires changes in both attitudes and incentives.

has proposed that retired police officers will be tempted to come back with a hefty salary bonus. They should not patrol on the street, but often have considerable experience of investigating crimes.

In a similar way, for example, should teachers be able to be useful despite the fact that they have reached retirement age, if they want to. Certainly, many older used in the welfare sector, even if they should not engage in heavy lifting.

double the earned income tax credit and reduced social security contributions for them. Of unfathomable reasons, restored the red-green payroll tax, but also to the left, it is time for omtänk.

All must not continue working with the same thing after 65, and both the data and the working time must be adjusted. For several should private enterprise be the most flexible way to keep in time.

is already relatively high in Sweden, but the demographic challenge is left. It’s not just about the economy and tax revenues. A happy retirement can be even happier to work.