New strikes are operated by the Berlin public transport (BVG) for the time being, averted. However, of the 102 million Euro of collective compromise, of the Municipal employers have achieved in the Association and the trade Union Verdi in the night to Friday, fuelled the debate about higher prices and subsidies from tax money. Due to the agreed salary increases of eight to 21 percent for the 14.500 BVG employees are exhausted, the previous Surpluses of the company. “Because we are a Country, must decide the policy – either the subsidies increase or higher prices,” said a BVG spokeswoman on Friday. Through the agreement, the annual personnel increase cost of the BVG, from 668 million to 770 million euros.

passenger Association calls for more grants in the country

Berlin’s economy Senator Ramona Pop (Green) from higher ticket prices. A growing transport need a good pay of the employees. “This must all contribute. Good work must be of the BVG, the Federal state of Berlin and also the customer something of value,“ said Pop. From the management of Finance Senator Matthias Kollatz (SPD), it was said, the BVG has to muster the funds. The funding for the salary increase but also, surely, in the negotiations for the next contract role.

The prices of the transport Association Verkehrsverbund Berlin-Brandenburg have not been revised since more than two years. The 38 member companies have in-house already increased the pressure, before the fall of the VBB-Supervisory Board decides on the tariff adjustments. The collective bargaining agreement in the case of the BVG, strengthening prices, the demands for increasing driving, it said on Friday. The passenger Association Igeb-rejects a substantial increase, and calls for higher subsidies from the state of Berlin. It is a political question, whether the ticket prices are on the rise, said Igeb – -Deputy chief Jens Wieseke.

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order A VBB spokeswoman pointed to rising numbers of passengers, the Expansion of the offer and the acquisition of new trains. In order to keep the quality, it also need to “growth in ticket revenue,” she said. “You can’t assume that the zero round incessantly.” Finally, the driving commodity prices to 1. January 2017 been slightly increased. As a further reasons for increasing the ticket prices are listed in the VBB, the Berlin-driven socio-political intervention in the tariff structure.

BVG Employees receive between eight and 21 per cent more wage

The red-red-green government coalition in Berlin had frozen with his coalition agreement in the autumn of 2016, the fares, and this with a Reform of the tariff structure. A part of the agreed measures is implemented in between: The commercial ticket is cheaper, as of August, the student ticket in Berlin is free and VBB, a Trainee-Ticket will be introduced. The loss of revenue for the transport companies millions in the States of Berlin and Brandenburg. How long red-Red-Green prices are still freezing, is unclear. The coalition working group had not finished their work yet, it said. However, even in the Senate it is now, the country could not only distribute gifts and blessings, but must make at some point to be honest and the price tag unpacking. On the duration of zero rounds were not possible.

The from the municipal employers ‘ Association and Verdi after three warning Strikes and five rounds of negotiations, the agreed compromise provides for significant salary increases in the case of the BVG, with retroactive effect to 1. January. A minimum of 350 euros to get the employees per month. Of the 7,500 Bus and subway riders get a 17 to 19 percent more content. The Christmas bonus will be increased to 200 Euro, the allowances and pay scale of the employees improved. The BVG is the largest municipal transport company in Germany, adjusts the compensation of the driver to the level in other länder such as Bavaria or North Rhine-Westphalia.

BVG and Verdi praised the conclusion of the commitment of the employees honored figures in the face of rising passenger. At the same time, the company will be more attractive for applicants, the completion of improve the chances of the BVG in the Offspring.

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transport undertaking buses and cars driving at the Limit

Henrik Mortsiefer

this year 1 100 new employees for new set. The demand for a shortening of working hours from 36.5 hours per week for almost half of the workforce Verdi had initially fall. The BVG would have needed 500 additional driver that was not feasible. Verdi wants to address the demand in the next bargaining round.