the Offensive has so far taken place without much resistance. Haftar has persuaded the clans and local militias to lay down their arms.

But on Friday, when devices out of the Haftars militia was only four miles from the capital, was halted by the bandages loyal with Tripoliregeringen. According to the portal The Libya Observer has about a hundred of Khalifa Haftars soldiers has been captured.

the Master, which has its base in the city of Benghazi, a further hundred kilometres to the east after the libyan coastal strip, gave the order militäroffensiven on Wednesday.

“We should deprive the tyrants in Tripoli, the ground they stand on,” said Khalifa Haftar, in a statement sent via social media.

of inbördesstrider ever since envåldshärskaren Muammar Khaddafis death in the autumn of 2011, will be pulled deeper down into the chaos. The giant desert wasteland – almost four times larger than Sweden – then the former is divided into an eastern and a western part.

The 75-year-old Haftar was formerly one of Muammar Khaddafis the nearest men, but fell out of favor and fled to the united states. In the chaos that emerged after the Khaddafis cases returned Khalifa Haftar of Libya, and has slowly but surely built up a power base in the eastern oil-rich part of the country. In the west control the UN-supported National samförståndsregeringen (abbreviated as GNA).

Khalifa Haftar leads a strength that goes under the name of Libyan national army and receives backing from, among others, Egypt and the United arab Emirates. Haftar has also courted Russia, but it is uncertain if he will get military support from there. He considered, however, dispose of a well-equipped army, which, among other things, have access to fighter jets.

say they want to combat the threat from militant islamists in Libya. But critics argue that he considers all their enemies as terrorists in order to strengthen their own power.

the united nations has a longer period of time tried to mediate between the warring factions. UN chief António Guterres is currently in Libya and met on Friday Khalifa Haftar in Benghazi.

Guterres will also travel to Tobruk in eastern Libya, near the border with Egypt. There are an additional player in the libyan power games: the National council (abbreviated as GNC), consisting of former members of parliament. GNC has lierat itself with Khalifa Haftar.

” My goal is to get the parties to avoid military confrontation. I repeat what I said before: there is no military solution to the libyan crisis, only a political, said Guterres on Friday.

as late as the end of February this year, agreed with the prime minister of Libya, Fayez al-Sarraj, and Khalifa Haftar to hold elections in Libya. However, shortly thereafter, conquered the Haftars forces of Libya’s largest oil field, Sharara, and since then he has advanced to the east.

The crumbling of Libya is an important transit country for african migrants who embarks on the Mediterranean in dangerous boats and hope to be able to reach Europe. The EU now has a close cooperation with the Tripoliregeringen to prevent flyktingtrafiken. The boats found at sea and returned to Libya.

the EU’s cooperation has been criticized as Libya in principle, the lack of functioning of the societal institutions – and now in addition, the risk of an all-out civil war.

”No one can argue that Libya is a safe place to get ashore in this mode,” writes the UN chief Said on twitter.