the Government has proposed a new offence called ”blåljussabotage” in order to strengthen police officers, emergency responders, and paramedics. This was decided during the cabinet meeting on Thursday.

” We want to introduce a particular sabotagebrott, says justice minister Morgan Johansson.

the Crime includes, for example, stone throwing or other type of violence against blåljuspersonal but also if, for example, on polishästar or police vehicle.

four years in prison for normalgraden and for serious crimes between the ages of 6 to 18 years in prison or even life imprisonment depending on the consequences of the crime may.

the Council will take a position on the government’s proposal and proposes that it shall enter into force in January 2020.

Morgan Johansson said that the difference against other types of crimes such as violence against officials is that it will give harder punishment.

“It’s all about when you give on these personnel categories in the call-out than if you just would indulge in vandalism in any other context,” says Morgan Johansson.

– It depends on completely what the consequences are. If, for example, has organized a bunch to give out at the police officers or räddningstjänspersonal. And that it where after getting very serious consequences so as to of people has been burning inside for the emergency services could not come forward, ” says Morgan Johansson, and adds that there must be a clear intent.

the national police commissioner Anders Thornberg is satisfied with the proposal.

“We understand that the government takes our concerns very seriously, threats and violence against blåljuspersonal is unfortunately common,” he says during the press conference.

and the interior minister Mikael Damberg in the mission to ”lead the work to tackle the crimes, the causes”. He believes that the various authorities and other stakeholders should come together and work in crime prevention. Prime minister think that it would be to make sure that the parents will be in work and therefore set a good example for their children.

Image 1 of 3 Stefan Löfven to visit polishöskolan in Södertörn. Photo: Roger Turesson Slide 2 of 3 , Here unfolds a scenario where polishögskolans students stages a situation where a person creates trouble in a dole office) and the police to make a bet. Photo: Roger Turesson Slide 3 of 3 Photo: Roger Turesson Slideshow

Johan Forssell rättspolitisk spokesperson for M think that the government’s proposal is thin.

– We welcome the fact blåljussabotagebrottet, but we note that it does not stiffen the penalty for violence against officials for ordinary drug offences. Today it is a bötesbrott but we want to tighten it to a minimum sentence of six months.

– We also note that professionals are not covered by this proposal. Where do we want to have your own legal classification of the offence, ” says Johan Forssell.

the Christian democrats think that the government is working too slowly.

– It is serious that the government is always one step behind in matters relating to the improvement of security in the society. Already two years ago, the Swedish parliament decided to toughen the penalties for attacks on blåljuspersonal. First, today was presented the proposal from the government. It is serious when the situation is urgent, writes Andreas Carlson (KD) deputy chairman of the committee on justice, in an email to DN.