the residential building is reduced. According to the Recommendation latest macroeconomic forecast begins 39.500 housing next year – a reduction of almost 40 percent since an economic peak in 2017 at the same time is the need for affordable housing is large. Here we are entirely in agreement. We also welcome many of Sabo’s own actions in anticipation that the policy will wake up and collectively make up about needed housing reforms.

That so few foreign companies managed to win the contracts and respond to Sabo’s requirements, reputable companies with long-term interest for the Swedish market – in spite of advisory support, training and help to establish contacts – shows that the Swedish companies are competitive.

Of the report the article is based on shows that when using the standard upphandlingsformulär lowers the bids significantly compared with when using the unique and exacting requirements of each project. It is nothing new: standardization and industrialization increases the efficiency and lowers the price per unit of output. The Swedish companies ‘ tender prices will be in addition to and even lower than the foreign companies when using this particular type of procurement.

A building contractor builds it as ordered and at a complicated and unique project, it is impossible to come up with the same bids as in a standardförfrågning. So why not use the public interest always this type of standardized procurement if the goal is to reduce the offer prices?

Thus, it is not primarily in the amount of new construction as households with thinner wallets will find their accommodation. In order to achieve the required other housing policy reforms.

Housing construction tripled between 2012 and 2017. It is not surprising that the prices also followed up, especially at the end of the upturn when kapacitetsbristen in the industry was palpable. In the same way that prices go up when demand is rising, Sabo themselves on how offer prices followed by down when construction decreased 2018. We also know that a new home always is more expensive than one that is already built. Thus it is not primarily in the amount of new construction as households with thinner wallets will find their accommodation. In order to achieve the required other housing policy reforms.

Sweden has 290 municipalities, and is, municipal särkrav despite the fact that they are now banned. The Swedish construction federation want, as well as Sabo, seem to make of Sweden’s 290 building materials wholesale to a single, thereby allowing for the industrialization and standardization of construction. Smart procurement and kombohusen has shown that it is possible. Perhaps, we can jointly as the client and the contractor in the work towards technical särkrav which makes it difficult for our members to compete in all of Sweden. This would also contribute to more bidders – both Swedish and foreign.