“Moderate drinking does not protect against stroke,”

“the Blood pressure and the risk of stroke increases with alcohol consumption. The protective effect of moderate drinking claim to give, are not. It shows a unique study on people who can’t tolerate alcohol.”

“It is in the journal The Lancet in which researchers at the University of Oxford now once and for all establishes that even a moderate consumption of alcohol is not good for health. On the contrary. The more you drink, the higher will be both the blood pressure and the risk of stroke.”

“To a large alcohol intake increases the risk of cardiovascular disease, such as stroke or myocardial infarction, has been known for a long time. The health benefits in moderate drinking, on the other hand, has been more controversial. Especially since studies have shown that such drinking may have health-promoting effects.”

“A criticism of these studies has, however, been how the selection gone to, because the other morbidity is often more common among helnykterister compared with måttlighetsdrickare. In this way, it can look as if a moderate drinking is good for health, while in reality it is not.”

“to get around this problem, researchers at the University of Oxford studied alcohol consumption among chinese people. Among the east asian communities is, in fact, different gene variants that result in a greatly reduced tolerance for alcohol. If they drink alcohol, they suffer from extreme hot flashes, hudrodnader and feel bad general. Because these variants are distributed randomly and do not affect other factors, such as the inclination for smoking, they can be used to study the effects of alcohol.”

“the Researchers asked 500 000 chinese people about their drinking, measured their blood pressure and followed them for ten years. With over 160 000 of them are mapped to the researchers, moreover, the presence of two gene variants (rs671 and rs1229984), which in different ways affect the enzyme (alkoholdehydrogenas) that breaks down alcohol.”

“But depending on which regions in the genome and how many copies of these variants a person has, can he or she alcohol. In this way, the researchers could divide the group in nine different genetic categories divided into three different groups in respect of alkoholtolerans.”

“Among men, there was consequently a large difference in alcohol consumption, from near zero to four units per day. But above all, there was a clear correlation between the different genvarianterna and blood pressure and the risk of stroke. The higher the alkoholtoleransu002F consumption, the higher blood pressure and greater risk of stroke.”

“Among the women, however, were not at all the same context. Because women traditionally drink very little alcohol in China, takes the researchers this to mean that it was just the alcohol and not something else – something which had caused riskökningarna. In the current study reported less than two percent of the women drank alcohol each week.”

“– so There are no skyddseffekter of alcohol against stroke. Even moderate alcohol consumption increases the risk of stroke, says one of the study authors, Zhengming Chen, to the journal.”

“Stroke, or apoplexy as it was previously known, occurs in two forms: brain infarct or thrombosis, and cerebral hemorrhage.”

“the Stroke comes in third place among causes of death in Sweden, after heart disease and cancer. Each year suffer a nearly 30 000 swedes of the disease, which is also the most common reason for ltc needs.”

“Strokes often lead to paralysis, speech disorders, vision loss and personality changes, sometimes also dementia.”

“a heart attack means that one or more of the vessels that supply blood to the heart förstoppas, usually by a blood clot, and the heart can suffer from lack of oxygen with tissue death as a result.”