“”How error may, a director of cultural affairs to be in?””

“Svante Weyler on the Aftonbladet precipitation in the PON – Åsa Linderborg replies directly”

“This is a kulturartikel which is a part of Aftonbladet’s opinionsjournalistik.”

“On march 11th, now three weeks ago, convicted the Aftonbladet newspaper by the Press council for their articles on’s managing director Benny Fredriksson. PON summed up his criticisms like this: ”It is about a serious pressetiskt excesses which, moreover, is reinforced by the publication has taken place on a broad front, involving not only nyhetsdelen but also leadership and newspapers.””

“But I, and probably many with me, have hitherto waited in vain to hear what kulturchefen Åsa Linderborg has to say about judgment. Each and every one who read the Aftonbladet the day saw that she was a driving force behind the publication. She put his authority behind it, went to the and with the in good order part of the data by emphasizing that she herself had met some of the sources.”

“Formally, it is true that the editor-in-chief as the editor responding to the criticism. Every employee at a newspaper to know that the management backs all publications.”

“But there is also a responsibility that is not formally, and it should be every journalist take, because it relates to professional integrity and morality, and it comes in particularly a high degree of cultural affairs. No one at a newspaper enjoys the same freedom as a director of cultural affairs, no one at a newspaper is, therefore, to the same extent as a director of cultural affairs, the dependence of the authority and thus the legitimacy of that she or he can win in the hands of readers. A editor-in-chief can always lean backwards against the owners, a political editor, you can always refer to the newspaper’s political line – a director of cultural affairs can map out their own line.”

“once, Åsa Linderborg commented on the publication. In connection with the Fredrikssons death examined her own articles and gave then an acquittal there. It should be compared with the PO’s devastating review of the articles in the decision on the precipitation.”

“you Wednesday’s Aftonbladet com so finally a text by Åsa Linderborg on the publications and ethics, but then, it was an article in Expressen. I have no reason to take a position to the article, but in Åsa Linderborgs comment is a passage that is particularly interesting: ”there are no principles, no great values to discuss, no special literary qualities which may justify, nothing that is so urgent that the name and picture need to be published. Expressen has not even searched the man for a comment. […] A precipitate of the Press council, what does it matter?””

“In the absence of a reaction from Åsa Linderborg on the precipitate and klandret of her articles on Fredriksson can this just be read as if it indirectly was about them. Therefore, I want to direct the last question to Åsa Linderborg yourself: What does the precipitate in the Press council for the matter for you? How wrong must a director of cultural affairs to have without it costing anything?”


“the immediate ANSWER I shall reply to Svante Weylers question as honestly as I can. I have done it before, in several different contexts.”

“in the Autumn of 2017, I was one of the few who tried to problematize the Metoo on the basis of three aspects: the rule of law, pressetiken and the neo-conservative view of woman as entirely weak and without responsibility for anything. When I follow my tracks in the arbetsdagböckerna gallskriker my division; I question Metoo-journalism at the same time as teaterarbetare contacted me. We published, others followed suit.”

“As cultural director, I am responsible only for my own articles, as I actually was the first to question in connection with Benny Fredrikssons death on 17 march 2018. (See, for example, Aftonbladet, march 18 and march 25; SVT, march 18, SR’s Söndagsintervjun april 8 -18). I have during the year turned and turned on my wording, among other things, the book fair, and in a longer article (Aftonbladet oct 11, -18). Those who work and those who live with me know that I wrestle with what has happened all the time.”

“It should cause all of us discomfort is the tragedy decoupled all the other Metoo-journalism. All the media house is convicted for articles on a range of people who had been injured or had their lives destroyed. All media house are sitting with debt but few seem to feel remorse, because the same thing is now repeated again.”

“at the time Of writing are being hunted new men in a second Metoo-wave. A documented violent actor or an ordinary problems of working together in a film production, there is no difference, everything is published. When the tone of social media becomes too ill do the same media house headlines on it. We – ”we” – have apparently not learned anything.”

“So, yes, the precipitate of the Press council plays a major role for me. Aftonbladet did wrong, I did wrong. Anyone who thinks that what happened does not cost me anything feel both me and my writing very bad.”