the Climate crisis set man facing a review that goes in depth of consciousness. A crucial question concerns our relationship to time. The story is not a smooth stream of events, the future is not the sum of what is happening in the present. Instead, the historical patterns of modern society’s effects on the earth system that we at the same time depend on and affect the times of the very long distance from our own time.

Processes with origins in a distant past may lie dormant for many hundreds of years to suddenly accelerate and break through the tidslagren. The researchers are talking about “cliff effects” and kaskadtider. In the upper layers of ice cores from the Antarctic interior is the culture sediments overlapped with traces of the earth’s slow cycles and extreme naturhändelser. The people’s history emerges in the ice kilometerdjupa the file as a geophysical force on a level with volcanic eruptions and earthquakes.

of iskärnans stock is symptomatic of the relationship to time that is developed in the track. The incision through the ice is a prognostic and historic at the same time. It documents the contrast associated with a distant past, but also highlights the history of the character of a working force in a future that is rushing towards us. Suddenly, we are living with the geological time in the middle of the modern time.

gradually, the contours of the complex historical rhythms, and the interdependencies that society is involved in. Fires, floods and hurricanes affect suddenly and hit and unequally in the present and locally. But the augurs also about the slow disaster that is set in time scales and global. Each society must, therefore, mobilise and act in several tidslager, and at the same time to make up with the modern illusion that the world is in every moment is new.

instead, It is the dizzying sense that we share the responsibility for the basic living conditions of the tidsavstånden – not only between generations, but between epochs and eras, both those that have and those that will follow – that the hope and the power to change can be extracted. We need to develop a living sense of how our time sitting together with other times. It is not easy, tidssambanden is complex and is broken against each other. How is a community that binds together society and the individual rhythms with the changes in the jordlagren and the atmosphere?

piling up on the signs that klimatkrisens tidserfarenhet have set the collective consciousness of the movement. News and media reports on the weather and the landscape changes takes an eschatological direction, and may each storm to be a portent of coming disasters. The relationship between slow processes and extreme naturhändelser processed in the scientific panels and public discussions. The creation of man’s incarceration in a warmer future is a central theme in art and museums. Humanistic research places the focus on how nature and culture times run into each other. A new contemporary flair takes form in the collision between the time scales that each of these analyses tells us that we have to deal with.

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the World around us, and our understanding of it, temporaliseras. It is a shift in the worldview of the same huge dimensions as 1900-century globalization. At the same time emerges the limitations of our institutions, the ability to translate this experience in reforms, all the more. In an era that cries out for genuine initiatives to the collection and mobilisation of modern society’s most powerful resource – the cross-border citizenship as a basis for collective ansvarsformer – is the political culture locked in short-term public opinions and particularistic interests.

describe the existential anxiety and discomfort which the individual feels about the proposed scale. On the societal level, it is more accurate to speak of a growing cultural schizophrenia that stems from a decades-increasing gap between how we describe the world and how we act in it.

What forms of understanding and empathy can develop the society’s long-term activism and get us to feel and see over tidsavstånden without the smoke sticking us in the eye? We need to turn to the knowledge of the earth and history. It is here that it becomes clear how the times sitting together. The link between long and short time intervals, and between different rhythms in nature and culture history, does not occur with the understanding of human impact on the climate. It has been there in the past but was put under modernity in the shadow of other ideas about the passage of the years: the progress, the break with the past, the change as a permanent value.

the society’s increased complexity, as well naturfaror that technological disasters have been given increasingly greater extent in time and space. The German sociologist Ulrich Beck captured the geographical aspect of this process better than any other. In a comment to the accident in Chernobyl in 1986 he wrote that the disaster was not something that affected the other. There were not a few privileged zones from the threats and risks that went with the air and the water. Kärnkraftsolyckans infinite extent in the room showed how the whole of humanity has been declared in a state of ”objective vulnerability”. The weather was in the high-tech society, a more important historical factor than ever. Just look at ”the poor swedes,” wrote Beck, hostage to the hope of more favorable winds and the waning rain.

the Whole of humanity has been declared in a state of ’lens of vulnerability’

But the nuclear accident testified about an equally staggering relationship to time. For who could say when the disaster and its effects were over? Every disaster is the beginning of a new era, but the accident sent tidspilar further into the future than any other event in human history. It was, therefore, in perhaps even higher degree, with Svetlana Aleksijevitjs formulation, a ”tidskatastrof”.

After the Chernobyl accident, the authorities the world over have planned for the storage of nuclear waste, with a time horizon of many thousands years. The extent of this is difficult to describe, but it does mean that our mortgages in the future societies extends further into the future than the whole of mankind’s previous history. In terms of historical time, our vain attempts to design warnings for risks that can be triggered 10,000 years into the future compared to someone just at the beginning of the epoch that geologists call the Holocene – about 5,000 years before the oldest writing systems – had tried to cry out to us.

, such as earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, also puts the focus on the relations between the tidslagren. Slow progress, never dormant but hidden in the depths, breaks suddenly up in the explosive moments that are difficult to predict. It is natural that the otherwise so abstract geological time is visible. It can be compared with how slow environmental disasters and human impact on the climate in a certain stage, seem to get the nature to accelerate and manifested in the form of dramatic events. We see the long time in the storms, in waves, in the melting of the ice, but it is also when the earth was not the rumbles and cracks.

the natural disaster also the landscape’s past and anticipated generations. When Anak Krakatau, one of the navy high commands in the sunda strait in Indonesia, broke up in a sharp outbreak in the end of december 2018, where the devastation was great and the closest to the caused by the tsunami waves that struck over the defenseless shores. The island began to rise out of the sea at the end of the 1920s, and was given the name ”Krakataus child” on the basis of their geological relations, with the volcano Krakataus explosive eruption in August 1883.

It has been called history’s first global event. The description takes account of the news of the disaster quickly spread across the world through a network of telegrafkablar and news agencies. But the volcano was above all, his own medium. Händelseförloppets extent in the room was of a previously unknown extent. Tsunami waves wiped out communities in more than a one-mile radius from the volcano. The flow of glowing particles and the gas killed the people of up to four miles away. The ash cloud reached five miles above the earth’s surface. The sound of the final explosion traveled several hundred miles. The blast registered all around the earth.

But also the event duration in time had global dimensions. Several years followed of changing weather patterns and colder temperatures. Askpartiklarna in the atmosphere created during the same time as the spectacular light and color variations that could be observed around the world. The reddish sunsets in the Krakataus eftertid forming a chapter in the history of art. The Royal Society’s geological report on the activities was published five years after the disaster and had a pastel by William Ashcroft on its cover. There is a strong element of tidsöverskridande in these images, as if the eyes on the atmosphere is also in search of history’s horizon.

Ulrich Beck on a new cosmopolitan public sphere that occurs when the risks society faces assume an increasingly cross-border nature. Globally linked crises and threats draw gradually together the world. We are citizens of the world, whether we wish it or not. It is as utopian as the necessary thought. Today, fifteen years later, I read it as a call to ” be submissive to every divisive impulse shared responsibility for the fundamental conditions of existence. With the climate in focus, we begin to seriously understand how that responsibility extends over the tidsavstånden.