On Wednesday, Ulf Kristersson in a debate article in Dagens Industri that he wants nuclear power included as a part of the solution to climate problems in the energiöverenskommelse that the government and the Alliance concluded in 2016.

”If the Conservatives will continue to stand behind energiöverenskommelsen, this issue must be taken up when the its working group meeting in the end of april,” writes Kristersson in his op-ed.

He wants the Swedish energy agency is allocating a portion of their research budget, so that it will go to nuclear power. Kristersson and his party would also push for a standardisation of the requirements on nuclear power at EU level.

upgraded and it may even be built new, but without help from public funds.

This rule has been in force since 2009, when the Alliance’s version of the energiöverenskommelsen adopted.

C-leader Annie Lööf think it is a pity that Kristersson now want to change the old principles. She is not opposed to nuclear energy in itself, but think that it should continue to be up to industry to invest in the old and build new nuclear power plants.

” I think that the Swedish industry is in need of a long-term and stable rules. It is usually miljardinvesteringar that industries and businesses do when they invest in energy, and I think it is a shame that they (M) have opened the door to leave a blocköverskridande broad and long-term energiuppgörelse, ” says Lööf and adds that it is more cost effective for industries to invest in renewable sources.

” Yes, but since long it is allowed to both think freely and do research on nuclear power. It is allowed to build new nuclear power plants in Sweden. So it is free for industries and the Swedish business community.

” What we see now that nuclear power should stand on its own legs is to the industry and business choose to invest in renewable energy sources instead because that it where cheaper. And I presume that the mills also think it is safer, ” says Lööf.

” it is important For me to stand up for what they promise and that the industry can rely on us politicians. When you gather a wide blocköverskridande agreement, as it did for just a couple of years ago, which actually means that the industry may build a nuclear power now if you think it worthwhile, they had to and with removed kärnkraftskatt, then I think it is reasonable to stand by his word and creates security and stability. It is what the industry needs.