a Short time before it became known that the only just set in-house counsel has a past in the extreme right-wing party. Also a speaker who sympathized with the NPD, had to go.
The AfD group separates people with NPD-past, and in response to criticism from the own ranks. On Wednesday it became known that the only just set in-house counsel Lauren Nothdurft, a former NPD activist and the 2009 banned neo-Nazi Association “home fidelity Deutsche Jugend” (HDJ) Board of Directors. According to information of the “süddeutsche Zeitung” he is not employed. The HDJ is available on the AfD non-pure capability list.
the AfD became a member of the Nothdurft anyway. Also Heinz Imbacher, was hired as a consultant for the budget Committee, sympathized with the NPD. According to the NPD accountability report of 2011, he is the extremist party 13 donated 800 euros. Also, he had to go now. The pressure on the right national wing group leader Katrin Ebner-Steiner has become too large, so the Interpretation of their opponents in the group.
“Now it goes back in the right direction,” says a Deputy. Ebner-Steiner should have come, contrary to their critics, moreover, by them offices were assigned in the Parliament. This follows a complaint from representatives of the more moderate camp, to be as “lepers” outside the country tags quartered.