The German government wants to tighten the laws when it comes to participation in jihadist and other terrorist group.

new bill Interior Horst Seehofer (CSU) and minister of justice Katarina Barley (SPD) agreed on means that the fighting for such an organization, such as the ICE, to get rid of his German citizenship.

the Premise is, however, that person also holds another citizenship. Germany will not cast out any of statelessness.

the Proposal does not apply retroactively but shall apply to future participation in a terrorist group.

the more than 300 ICE-combatants with German citizenship that have so far returned to Germany or that now sits in detention in Syria and Iraq. The laws of Germany may not apply retroactively.

According to a statement from the government, the persons carrying out hostile acts for a jihadistisk militias from abroad, ”facing Germany and its basic values the back”.