The Russian leadership is irritated: of all things, the official statistics Agency, shows a survey of the extent of poverty in the country and is questioning the policies of President Putin.

The Russian Newspapers are today agreed that It looks good in the country, which relates to the conditions of life. In order to respond to Rosstat on a representative survey conducted by the statistics authority.

published in The just, that more than three-quarters of the population in Russia has difficulties to buy the bare necessities: From the families about a third could afford a second Pair of shoes, half of the families not even a week’s holiday away from home.

the Kremlin is not surprising

The Russian leadership, like the Figures of the statistics authority. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov expressed surprise about what the should be with the shoes, and where did the Numbers come and demanded an explanation.

Then, the authority explained that the study was for years one of the most representative and most profound in Russia. Staff had interviewed last September to 60,000 households, each member of the family for a minimum of one and a half hours. The authority noted that the answers “are subjective, and the presentation of the respondents for a reasonable standard of living reflected”.

Many pensioners are reliant on free meals, such as here in St. Petersburg.

“A third of the population lives in total misery”

at the same time don’t dismiss them out of Hand, that the number of families that could buy two Pairs of shoes, has grown in comparison to 2016, from around 50 to more than 60 percent, say the statisticians of the economic expert Mikhail Khazin stressed this on air of the Kremlin-critical radio Echo Moskvy, the results of the current survey.

“This is the result of the economic policy of the government in the past six years,” says Chasin. “The income go back, accordingly, been almost as long. Now it develops that a third of the population lives in total misery.”

Putin’s announcements were followed by no acts

After the presidential elections a year ago, the Russians expect that the leadership of the country – taking care of according to their Engagement in Syria and in the conflict with the Ukraine – now, finally, to the own people. In his speech to the Nation at the beginning of the year, President Vladimir Putin also made the appropriate announcements.

are not, However, resolve the fundamental enough to the social problems of the population. On the contrary, the leadership has just recently raised the age of retirement and taxes, including the VAT of 18% to 20%.

Russian statistics authority: Three-quarters of the population can hardly be the bare necessities
Sabine Stöhr, ARD Moscow
04.04.2019 12:31 PM

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