The Internet is circulating a Video in which four British soldiers shoot with your handguns to around ten meters distant targets. After the Exercise, the camera direction of the target position. As a target, not a generally well-known Silhouette with dots, but a picture with bullet dents of the Labour leaders James Corbyn to see. The British army has opened a criminal investigation.

The BBC has verified the 25-second Video with the caption “Happy with that” (Happy with that). Was made added to it, apparently, a few days ago in Kabul, and first on Snapchat to a small group before it is leaked. It is still unclear whether the Video, respectively, Corbyns likeness was installed in the field.

either way, the excitement is great. The British news Agency Press Association found out that the soldiers be members of the 3. Battalion of the parachute regiment. An army spokesman said, according to the BBC that this incident was acceptable and far below the military expected the level of sun.


politicians of various Stripes have complained and Worried about the safety of the Brexit-ridden Parliament. A spokesman for the Labour party, called the behavior “alarming and unacceptable.” He trusted that the Ministry of defence and according to handle.

The Deputy Jess Phillips called the Video “absolutely disgusting”. It was “irresponsible under this or any climate.”

With Egg throwing

about a month Ago had been the leader of the opposition Corbyn victim of an Egg attack when he had visited in his London constituency of a mosque. On Wednesday he wants to meet the Prime Minister, Theresa May, and to a solution of the Brexit-cul-de-SAC looking for.

The British Labour Party, one of the largest social-democratic parties in Europe, is in the Brexit debate in the eyes of many critics, but also of many of their Fans, a total failure.

The 69-year-old Corbyn comes from the left wing. Since 2015, the convinced pacifist stands at the head of the largest opposition party in the UK. For the British, Right Corbyn is a red cloth, again and again, you call him a “Marxist” and understand this as an insult. (red)

Created: 03.04.2019, 15:08 PM