“Trust me. I find you everywhere, and then I’ll kill you,” he wrote. This SMS message, the last of tens of thousands that got Martina during one and a half years of him. Sometimes he has written over a hundred in a single day. “You look beautiful tonight”, stand there. Or “I want to lay on you.” Martina studied law at the University of with me; none of us knew at the time what she was going through. That was followed a year and a half and threatened.

Martina stood in front of the Black Board, as she saw the tender for a student job In an engineering office, clean up for two weeks, the archive. That was ten years ago. “I would have worked instead, in a Bar, on the conveyor-belt, anything, then my life would have turned out differently,” she says today. Already on the first day in the office at the time, the 28-Year-old met him. A big, lanky man, six years older than you. Jeans, colored shirts, and Sneakers. He introduced himself as an engineer for building construction. A clumsy, but likeable guy he’d been.

time of fear

After a week began, he invited you to go after work for a drink. You were sitting in front of the Cargobar on the Rhine, it was warm, and he brought Mojitos. “For me, it was a Drink among colleagues, I never had interest in him,” she says. He felt different and wanted to meet you again and again. Until they no longer wanted to be polite and blocked. You are not aware of that day. You only know that it is up to today, the last one was where she walked freely out of the house.

little did she know that she would soon need a new telephone number, and an apartment in another city. She knew that she would cower in a cold November night trembling with cold and fear in a garden, convinced that he would rape or kill. Initially, he called her at night. Later in the morning before work. You didn’t answer it. He wrote. “Hello, everything okay with you? I’m getting Worried.” The later the day, the more angry the sound was. “Then fuck you, you bitch.” Martina was angry. LET it be!” ME! IN! PEACE!”, you wrote. Once, she was in the output, and pretty drunk, picked up one of his calls, and yelled at him. “I forgive you,” he wrote in the Morning.

Martina got a new phone number. Three days later, he did not know the, how, know, you. When she met a new man and an affair began, the Situation escalated for the first Time.

He stood in front of her bedroom window in a quiet side street in the Gundeli, yelled, and threw stones against the window. Megan’s roommate sent him away. “You can’t get rid of me,” day later in colorful chalk on the pavement.

And he kept his word. At the University, in the Migros, in the indoor pool – he showed up everywhere, there was simply staring at you. “My patience is not endless,” he wrote with chalk in front of the house.

began A new Phase, the “time of fear”, as Martina says. In the middle of the night, he threw their discs, a paving stone landed next to her bed, shards of glass everywhere. He sent her porn, depictions of violence with bound and tortured women. “I know what makes you Fun.” And he pursued them. Sometimes he pulled out a small folding knife from his pants pocket and held it to the thin neck. “I was scared, no matter where I was and what I was doing.” Martina not venture alone out of the house.

A year after the first contact, you showed him in the end. In the process, they learned that he was an engineer, but in the context of an employment programme for the unemployed as a temporary employee had worked. The police could do little, belangte him but because he was obsessed with violent pornography and disseminated. The police officer advised her to move once again, the phone number.

“I know you’re out there”

After the display two months of rest. “I was hoping that he was teaching,” she says. But the worst was yet to come.

It was a night in November. Martina looked at the Laptop series, around midnight, someone knocked on the apartment door. How he had come into the house, do not know, Martina. “I know that you’re alone, let’s talk,” he said. Felt nauseous with fear. “I know you’re there.” Silence. “You will regret your behaviour, I get the door.” Megan’s fingers were stiff with fear as she dialed the emergency number. “The police are coming, get out”, she wanted to scream, but her voice failed. “I’ll kill you, you fucking bitch!” He kicked the door, again and again. Martina had just one thought: Until the police get here, he would have killed you.

she wrenched open the balcony door and ran out. Only in panties and bra, she jumped from the balcony into the garden and crawled into a Bush. There, rigid, crouched in fear. The police stopped the madness. In the pocket of his Jeans, the officers found condoms and a small knife.

He will not let you still to rest

Martina come fled to her parents. But even there, he showed up on the road, as well as in front of the Uni. Martina was helpless. “The police told me that they could not forbid him the. What had happened is not enough for a detention.” He got off with a suspended sentence.

at some point, Martina had no strength, broke off her studies and started a therapy. You pulled away – to Zurich in Basel, you felt safe.

The move was ten years ago. But her Stalker allows you to today do not come to rest. Your Name still POPs up on porn sites, twice he has published on the Internet an obituary for you, the last Time last year. Martina couldn’t stop afterwards for hours to cry.

you will have your life afraid of him. Since two years she is married, new last name, does not want to call them. “Or he finds me.”

you’re about to become a victim of Stalking and want to tell their story? Contact us at stadt@baz.ch (Basel newspaper)

Created: 03.04.2019, 07:15 PM