It is a well-known phenomenon in elite sport: The hardest games for the players are the ones where you have to watch. So Rokas Giedraitis had to suffer on Tuesday much. The Lithuanians sat bundled up in the blue hoodie on the edge of the field. The coach of the Berlin Basketball Bundesliga team Alba Berlin, Aito Garcia Reneses, prescribed Giedraitis before the busy weeks of a break. But it was enough. Alba Berlin defeated Ulm in the League game 92:81 (19:26, 30:27, 24:19, 19:9).

“We are not well, had to shake ourselves once awake,” said the Berlin-based Center John Thiemann. “On Defense, we have found back into the game.”

The evening was also a reunion of old Acquaintance. On the part of Ulmer, the former Alba player Ismet Akpinar and Bogdan Radosavljevic on ran. But first of all, it lacked in the game on Tuesday at the precision in the financial statements. Alba took a couple of wild pitches, and 2:6 was quick, before Berlin playmaker Peyton Siva turned into a Threesome. However, that Siva was one of the most conspicuous characters in this season, a little bit of the Problem in the game. He contributed to many ball losses. In addition, Alba’s Backup at the Position, Derrick Walton, appeared similar to erratic. It was in the first quarter-not a good game. The Ulmer could get used to that, eventually they went with a seven-point lead in the second ten minutes.

the team of coach Thorsten Leibenath is for weeks on the mend. After a difficult start to the season with four defeats have fought the Ulmer back to the front and occupy a Play-off place. A highly-placed Play-off place, the Berlin-based hope. Rank three is still possible, then Alba would be a semi-final with the dominant FC Bayern München out of the way.

Accordingly, Alba was motivated in the second quarter, where Siva continued with his bad passes, once scattered, but mainly Thiemann gave again and again massive space under the basket and scored. It was really loud in front of 7000 spectators in the Arena at the Ostbahnhof for the first time, as Berlin’s own greenhouses, the young Franz Wagner, a Three-points-completed attempt is successful. At that time, 36:41 from the point of view of Alba and it was in the air that the game would be very exciting.

At Ulm in the last quarter, nothing more

And so it was then: The Ulmer, in particular, Ryan Thompson, met with a good rate from a distance. In Berlin it was Niels Giffey, kept his Team in the game. The man for the loud roar but was also in the third quarter of the 17-year-old Wagner. With the conclusion of the second three-way attempt at the basket landed. Alba led to 73:72. The crime went into its last ten minutes. The opened the hasty Siva with a successful Three-point shot, Martin Hermannsson finished a couple of Times successfully. The guests, nothing more. The basket seemed like closed. Alba made – beginning in the third quarter – 21 points in a row. Ulm was at the end and lost the game significant, as it put the game for a long time. This Saturday it goes for Alba more in Crailsheim. Probably Giedraitis will then be able to swap the hoodie again with the Jersey.