Roger Köppel for the SVP in the electoral campaign for the Council of States: It is tonight, with one vote against by the Assembly of delegates has been nominated. So he is going up against the two previous Ständeräte. Ruedi Noser FDP and Daniel Jositsch of the SP have announced their candidacy some time ago.

No longer an issue, the SVP DV was a candidacy of Alfred’s army. He had given up his ambitions after the election debacle in front of one and a half weeks. The army was at the Zurich General election campaign Manager. With Köppel, the SVP would like to move back into the small chamber of the Federal house. The seat she lost twelve years ago.

Köppel be given by political experts. However, after the quiet and rather boring election campaign in the Zurich Canton and member of the cantonal government, he is not willing to provide until the autumn, for spectacle. He proved at the time of his Nomination. The SVP must clearly and provocatively to occur, and to demonstrate that the other to make a wrong policy: “the fight means attack.” You have to the foreign destination and a colonial agreement with the EU to combat it.

“climate rip-off rich”

koeppel said in his speech in front of nearly 350 voting delegates that the SVP could not hear on the Mainstream media, because the lead surely to failure. In addition, he clattered against the current climate discussion. Red-green profiteers and climate rip-off would enrich and wanted to set up a climate dictatorship. He geisselte the “red-green child abuse” by left-wing teachers to the schools. “If the others lose the head, keep the SVP a cool head.”

A request of the Zurich city councillor, Urs Fehr, to abandon a hopeless candidature in the forthcoming Council of States elections and a candidate as councillor Ernst Stocker for the options 2023 build, had at the meeting, no Chance. (Tages-Anzeiger)

Created: 02.04.2019, 22:00 PM