The british duo Kate Shortman and Isabelle Thorpe, 17 and 18 years old, and came in tenth in last year’s juniorvärldsmästerskap in synchronized swimming.

the Idea to perform the same VM-routine again, but this time with thousands of articles of plastics around them, came from ”The Big Bang Fair”. It is the Uk’s largest fair for science, technology, engineering and mathematics for young people, and was also the scene of the sims ‘ behaviour.

at the fair was the growing problem of plastic in the oceans, which take a long time to break down and harm the animals and nature. A recent example is the kaskelotval last week washed up on a beach in Sardinia with the whole 22 kilograms of plastic in the stomach.

– There is no doubt that plastic in our oceans is already a huge problem, with implications for future generations if we do not do something about it, ” says Kate Shortman to The Big Bang Fair’s website.

for young people on the best innovative ideas to deal with the problem. One of the finalists was 16-year-old Luke De Bretton-Gordon, who developed a water bottle made out of an edible membrane.

“It is fantastic that young people inspires and encourages others to take responsibility and change their behavior regarding plastic products,” says Kate Shortman.

Plastskräpet increases on the Swedish beaches

the Plastic in the oceans: Debris shall be optimistjollar

the Prohibition of the straw into the plastic spreading around the world