“Expert: the British need more time,”

“So, summing up, the Cambridge professor Catherine Barnard Monday’s brexitvända in the british parliament.”

“– The positive is that you finally begin to have a meaningful discussion about what an EU-withdrawal means, ” she says.”

“According to Catherine Barnard, professor of EUROPEAN law at the university of Cambridge, is the hope after Theresa Mays latest defeat in parliament that the EUROPEAN union gives the british more time.”

“– It’s a catch-22. It just goes around in circles. Therefore, I believe that we simply need more time, so that you can think through this properly rather than to hurry up a solution in two weeks.”

“Barnard says that Monday’s result was expected and it really highlights the core problem with brexit – that you don’t really know what it is you are voting on.”

” It (the result) confirm what we have known for a long time. The parliament is against everything and not for anything. And it is a serious problem, but not surprising as that is the way it looks in the country, ” she says and continues:”

“– The real problem is that these calls, which are starting to be more meaningful, would have been three years ago before we went ahead with the article 50 (the request is of withdrawal from the EU), so that we know what the goal is.”

“According to Barnard stalling the discussions on what the exit means in practice after the referendum. And now when utträdesdagen approaching, the positions are locked.”

“HH: What happens next?”

” I think Theresa May will probably try to get her agreement through the parliament one more time. And she could very well lose again.”

“in Order to duck criticism that May have received if she tries with the same thing time and time again, believe Barnard to the prime minister the next time instead of a new vote on the agreement itself, will present a proposal to amend the terms of the utträdesavtalet from last year. When specific wording on the right to the vote in parliament.”

“in Addition, she says, the erosion of Labour the possibility of early elections, which according to the opinion polls from the weekend would win. And even if you can’t rely on just an opinion poll so it worries the conservatives, who are likely to try to avoid the election in order not to risk losing power.”

“– And of course, even if we get a new election will solve not what some of the problems, ” says Barnard.”

” may May ask EU for more time, but the question is, of course, if we get there.”

“According to Barnard, would May need to provide more clear information on what the exit from the EU will mean in practice.”

” And it takes us back to a referendum.”

“HH: Is the Uk any closer to a brexitlösning?”

“– the Proposal of a customs union with the EU, lost by only three votes. So you could say that a customs union with the EU is closer. But the customs union does not solve the problems because the proposal is not sufficient to deal with the question of the Northern frontier.”

“the Rest of the EU has given the Uk until 12 april to decide on the way ahead. April 10 is the 27 retention heads of state and government an extraordinary brexittoppmöte in Brussels.”