The christian newspaper dagen has written an article about a parish in Värmland to solve prästbristen by employing a robot. Prästroboten shall, according to the article, to be able to carry out certain parts of a priest’s normal duties like keeping in weddings and funerals.
the wrote this morning to a Twitter post that she no longer will klimatstrejka on Fridays because those in power now understood the emergency and the climate crisis under control. Greta later went out with that of course this was a joke.
the Amusement park Liseberg, talks about a new ride, Valkyrie Splash. A roller coaster that will dive 50 metres down into an underground tunnel filled with water. In a video on the Liseberg Facebook page, it is recommended that passengers should wear bathing suits and use the goggles.
the Housing company HSB write in a press release that they will build on over 5.200 garages around the country to gräshoppsodlingar. This as a part of HSB’s investment climate.
the Swedish church goes out on their social media that now is the end with the coffee drinking in the church. One of the reasons is, according to the post, to 20% of their working time for the priests and deacons go in to drink coffee. Avril Luhr, an expert on Kyrkokanslitet in Uppsala said in the post that it now comes to the coffee deliberately. The Swedish church writes that the idea is that within a year the introduction of a complete shutdown for coffee in the church’s activities and premises. The post has aroused strong reactions, and at 15.20-time generated over 2,000 comments.
writing on his Facebook-page that they are looking for more employees where the selection test, among other things, is to be able to eat 12 donuts and solve a puzzle. The wwf also write a post on Facebook about the rare and endangered species nagelbitaren. It shall, according to the post, go to see from the first of april in the ditches and groves of trees in various parts of Sweden.
April fool’s day joke, even from a political perspective. The liberals have on their Facebook page put up a post about a proposal on the mandatory language requirements in French for all swedes. It is found further down in the comments that this was just a joke.