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A man is on Monday night have been assaulted in Politigårdens Prison in Copenhagen.
It confirms the president of the Fængselsforbundet, Bo Sørensen, to Ekstra Bladet.
– It has happened quite recently, so I don’t know the circumstances of the case, says Bo Sørensen, and thus does not know how serious fængselsbetjenten is hurt.
Fængselsdømte, who is serving in the Politigårdens Prison, is typically extremely sikkerhedskrævende.
– By default, the complete impossible afsonere, which will be placed in the Politigårdens Prisons, says forbundsformanden.
the Prison at Police headquarters has capacity for 25 inmates and has since 2004 served as a special arrestafdeling for, among other ‘negative strong inmates who are violent or threatening to others’, is it on the Prison website.
Copenhagen Police have, according to the central vagtleder Henrik Svejstrup not yet received any notification on the attack.
in addition to Politigårdens Prison has Prison further a similar department, which is located in the Nyborg Prison.
Politigårdens Prison in Copenhagen moves in the course of 2019 to Vestre Prison.
Extra Magazine follows the case.