Within the government of prime minister Theresa May waged an open political war between supporters and opponents of a soft brexit. Several members of the government urge May on to open up a customs union, the hard brexiteers threatened with dismissal, and an unprecedented rift in the Conservative party if it ever happens.

The ‘softer’ brexit in the form of a customs union is today again on the table of the parliament as one of the alternative plans for the approval of prime minister May Friday, for the third time was rejected. The ‘customs union’, a proposal from former Finance minister Kenneth Clarke, was Wednesday equally rejected in the first series of ‘indicative voting’, but only by six votes. Since then try Lagerhuisleden the proposal on the partijgrenzen around to refine and, they hope tonight, however, a majority of the votes.

Read also More than six million Britons sign petition against withdrawal from European Union

In such a scenario, would the United Kingdom or the European Union steps, but is or remains a member of the European customs union. Such a union is a form of cooperation in the economic field. That is to say that the countries which are members of themselves as a single area to consider in regards to the import and export of goods. Everyone has the same tariffs on goods that come in, and within the member states there is a free movement of goods: goods which for example, the port of Antwerp to enter, pass through the customs and can from there be distributed to the other members of the union. Also there is one common trade policy in relation to countries outside the european union.

A customs union is far less than a common or single market with the free movement of persons and services, what the EU is.

‘Backstop’-issue resolved immediately

such a customs union is now the solution for the current brexit-deadlock? Proponents think there is: the United Kingdom should leave the EU and therefore do what the British asked for in the referendum, trade continues without problem and the problem of the backstop would suddenly of the job, since the border between Ireland and Northern Ireland would remain as it now is: open and free.

Justice Minister David Gauke threw the bat yesterday in the oyster by on tv to declare that the prime minister May have the proposal at least seriously need to consider if the parliament is tonight behind company. “If the parliament is overwhelmingly against granting a brexit without agreement, but for a softer brexit vote, then I think that is not tenable is that position of the parliament to ignore,” said Gauke on the BBC. “I believe that it is not responsible to leave without a deal, so of course I would in that case no member of the government,” threatened he. Gauke got the support of five other ministers.

Julian Smith, chief whip or kind of majority leader in parliament, said this morning that it is “inevitable” is that there is a softer brexit.