“Unsuccessful attempt to measure the hedersförtryck”

“the Government wanted to know how widespread honour related violence and oppression and gave the Board of health of the mission to investigate. Just over two years later, will report.”

“But without the answer to the question.”

“– It makes me disappointed, ” says Sara Mohammad, the founder of the GAPF.”

“Sara Mohammad is the founder of the national association never Forget Pela and About (GAPF). She says that her organization is not in so great need of numbers, GAPF know how the reality looks like.”

“However, for the government to put resources and action and for that the political parties should take the issue seriously, needed figures, “says Sara Mohammad, founder of”

“two years ago, in 2017, got the national Board of health commissioned by the government to identify the scale of honour-related violence and oppression in all age groups in Sweden. It would also account for how common it is with child marriages and forced marriages”

“But the health Board says now, in the report of the mission”

“The data on honour-related violence can not be the basis for a secure description of the scope nationally, according to the authority.”

“At work has compiled information from government departments, municipalities and activities. But very few municipalities have mapped hedersförtryck and violence. Even the authorities turned to the have had very limited information about the scope.”

“It is a clear sign that the issue of hedersförtryck still is a hidden social problem in Sweden, believes Sara Mohammad.”

“– You’d love to sweep this under the carpet, ” she says.”

“at the same time experiencing the GAPF to the problem with hedersförtryck and violence is increasing in scope.”

“– the Numbers have grown gigantic with us and other organisations with which we cooperate, but also the roughness in the violence. The way it harms and kills on has become much clearer that this is about my honor, ” says Sara Mohammad.”

“Several studies claim that hedersförtrycket is widespread. In the last year, showed a survey conducted among niondeklassare in the country’s three biggest cities to between 7 and 20% of young people living with honour-related norms and oppression. Researchers at the university of Stockholm has decided that every third child with an immigrant background is exposed.”

“to be able to comment on honour-related oppression and violence at the national level is required according to the health Board a national population survey in combination with data collection from various other sources. It will be a while.”

“In the meantime raging the confidence for the society of those who are exposed to honor related violence and oppression, according to Sara Mohammad.”

” Their trust in the institutions of society and the state is damaged. And if trust is damaged, then we have not a healthy society, ” she says.”

“No one knows how widespread the honour-related oppression and violence.”

“Several studies have, however, been made.”

“in 2009, the national board for youth affairs to 70 000 young people do not choose who they marry.”

“2014 was judged in a government investigation that 100,000 boys and girls under 25 years is living in hedersförtryck.”

“According to research at the university of Stockholm live was the third child with an immigrant background under honour-related norms.”

“at the same time, increasing calls to the national stödtelefonen against honour related violence and oppression.”

“It is also clearly a violence causes victims. According to a previous review of the Swedish Radio program In the law’s name, 10 of the 105 murders committed in 2016 in honour killings. Speaking to all the women who were murdered by 2016 one third of those murders are honour, six of 18.”

“the culture of honor is a term for cultural patterns that restrict people’s rights, and freedom, with reference to the family’s honour.”

“Especially important for the family honor, the female family members’ sexuality. Women’s chastity forms the border between honor and shame. Women are, in other words, the carrier of the men, and the family’s honour.”

“the Control ranging from the everyday forms of restrictions such as how a girl gets to dress, who she can socialise with and how she may move, to major life issues such as who she should marry.”

“Those who challenge the prevailing norm is considered disgracing the whole family and is liable to be punished for that family to regain the perceived lost honor. They can be frozen out, threatened and abused. In its most extreme form results hederstänkandet in lethal violence, so called honour killings.”

“Source: the County administrative board of Östergötland, GAPF”