hundreds of hours of Overtime, and hardly a vacation. In Japan, this is normal – so far. Now the government wants to address the shortage of skilled workers differently. The doors for foreigners to be opened.

In Japan, a quiet Revolution begins today. For the first time in the history it brings to foreigners as a work force in the country. So far, the doors for migrants to remain, refugees have hardly been recorded. Now, two special employment visa.

Unskilled workers are allowed to stay for up to five years, but no relatives bring. Professionals can enter the country with a family and after ten years, a permanent residence permit. Previously, all a must test.

professionals are urgently looking for – as the Japanese population ages, shrinks, and makes Overtime.

u-turn 180 degrees

full Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, a Nationalist who was opposed to any immigration so far, pulls a u-turn around 180 degrees: “I want to realize a society and a System, so that foreigners want to work in Japan and live.”

the head of The government has changed its mind under the pressure of many businesses and companies. Especially the construction industry, the Old and sick care, Restaurants, and supermarkets suffer from a great shortage of labour. The reason: Japan’s population ages and shrinks. So far, this has been offset by the fact that more women and elderly people employment.

Yet adjusted to women also foreigners to the labour shortages

of the population

Now. This has surprised many Japanese, especially Older showed in surveys skeptical. But there were only a few protests, like this Demonstration of a far-right party. They fear that the minimum wage of the Japanese drops, when foreign workers come.

Because of such Concerns, the government avoids the word “immigration”. At the same time, you don’t focused their recruitment in Asian countries such as Vietnam, China and Indonesia, so that the new work force from abroad stand out so quickly. Especially may come in the next five years, a total of 340.000 foreigners into the country. The are, however, much too little, in order to eliminate the shortage of labour. Therefore, the government improved in parallel with the General working conditions.

automation not helped enough on its own but also.

Less Overtime, more automation

As the most important measure is the number of hours of Overtime as of today, for the first time by law limited. While this is aggravated, first of all, the shortage of labour. But it is forcing companies to Automate and, thus, higher productivity.

At the same time, less in the evening hours mean in the office, more women can be employed, such as the head of government, Abe said: “This is the first great measure for the past 70 years, the long working hours will reduce time and irregular employment. This acquisition can work better with children education and care of the elderly agree.”

Three hours of Overtime daily

as Of today, may large companies demand in Japan for more than 720 hours Overtime a year. Otherwise there are fines. However, this means that in the case of a Five-day week is still nearly three hours of Overtime daily allowed by law, which outraged the opposition members Michihiro Ishibashi: “This is the worst labor reform throughout the post-war period. The System promotes death by Overwork, and provides a variety of unpaid Overtime.”

However, the government is counting on the company to deal better in future with your staff. So the companies need to make sure from today that every employee makes at least five days in the year vacation.

Japan opens the door for migrants
Martin Fritz, ARD Tokyo
01.04.2019 11:28 PM

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