Urologist Martti Aho doesn’t like ties very safe alternative. Video explains the penis rings, dildos and lube of popularity.

journalist Ronja Strait interviewing today bears his name in the programmes of the adult entertainment actress. Mr. Jason namely Jack to resort to their sometimes Viagraan and other apukeinoihin erection to ensure.

Especially in the erotica trade fairs Jani has used a penis ring, that he is an experiment replaced the rubber bands and even cable ties. Experiences have been very painful and My plan to no longer use them.

Ronja Strait will ask a urologist, a medical doctor Martti Aho opinion on the matter. He is not worried.

– it’s Not the rooster said singer. A bundle of ties I would think to be safer alternatives, Aho said What you’re thinking, Ronja Salmi-in the program.

Aho told me he’d run into his own career as well as during on-call patients with of the penis around it has been necessary to remove rings and other metal rings.

– Yes every surgeon specialist has been forced to remove the penis at the base of things, he believes.

Ronja Salmi asks this evening programmes also, does size matter. Yle

Aho also reminded that penis ring on is a medicine scientific to more use. It can help young men erectile dysfunction treatment.

– the Disorder may have an organic cause. The veins that normally dormant in the take blood away from the penis, may go permanently blocked. These men jamming mechanism does not work, and penis as if leaking. The penis ring thing can be to take care of.

Aho according to, for example, necrosis risk is, in principle, there are cases where the tire had put a really tight and even if turned off after hours.

– a Bad case scenario, it could happen, but if the tyre is removed in a timely manner, there is no danger, he calms down.

What do you think, Ronja Strait? today TV2 at 22: 00.