Saimon Kasprowicz Photo: Adam Daver
” No, I can’t unfortunately, but I can do other things to save the climate. But to get fewer children is nothing I even thought to do or that I think someone else has thought of. There are simply other ways to save the climate at the. Yourself sort I, try to travel by public transport and flying less. I think that the climate issue is important and that everyone has their responsibilities, but that more responsibility is located outside Sweden. We are a small enough part of the world as it comes to all the others also take their responsibility.
Astrid Hilmarsson Photo: Adam Daver
” No, I can’t imagine. Children feels like a very important thing for me and I feel that, perhaps, you can compensate in other ways. I believe that governments and states can do things that individual people need to sacrifice something such important as a child can be. I think that climate is important, but not everything is about what is happening at the individual level. I as a single person probably can’t do much.
Peter Malmestrand Photo: Adam Daver
” I would not be able to refrain from having children and think that there are other things we can do first and foremost for the climate. Personally I think more on what I consume, choice of means of transport and is more aware that way. The most important thing for the climate is to come up with better fuels and ways to get around, but even with this consumer society. I think we överkonsumerar and therefore overproduces.
Yvonne Sturk Photo: Adam Daver
” I would not refrain because children are the best there is. There are so many other things you can do, for example, to go by train instead of car if possible. Climate change has not affected me so much. I’m bad at to dispose of, I go a lot of car and I’m flying – I’m not a good role model simply. I think it feels weird to children can affect the environment so much, but the research has enough the right.
do you Want to make a big effort for the climate – get children