The decision of the American president Donald Trump to oil drilling in the Arctic Ocean, is illegal. That has a federal judge from the state of Alaska decided. Trump’s predecessor, Barack Obama had bores in the area is prohibited, inter alia, to protect the environment. That prohibition remains in force.
Former president Barack Obama decided in the period between 2015 and 2016 to approximately 125 million acres of ground in the Arctic Ocean, near the state of Alaska, to protect. Oil drilling would not be allowed. The same happened by the way for certain pieces of the Atlantic Ocean.
also Read Trump wants oil and gas win at the north Pole, and that had Obama just is prohibited by law
The decision earned him a lot of criticism of certain politicians in Alaska and big oil companies. His successor, Donald Trump turned the ban just after his arrival back, which environmental organisation Greenpeace to court and won. the
The federal judge in Alaska gives the prosecutors right now. The decision of the president to the prohibition to turn back, is “unlawful, because they are the authority of the president exceeds”, sounds in the judgment. Only the U.s. Congress can decide to oil drilling there again, judge of the court. Until then the ban on drilling for oil just apply.