“Therefore, we celebrate valborg 2018”

“the Walpurgis night falls every year on the last day of april and is a matter of course for most people – so even 2018.nMen the eve of may day stretches back to the middle ages.”

“The vast majority celebrate valborg. But why do we do it?”

“the Tradition of valborg came to Sweden from Germany sometime during the middle ages.”

“the Fires were an early feature of the festivities during the spring festival.”

“Saint behind the tradition Valborg”

“the walpurgis night has its beginning in Germany and the saint is St. Walpurgis.”

“She was an abbess, one-time director of a monastery of nuns within the catholic church, and lived in the 700’s.”

“But first, in the 1400s, on 1 may, she became a legend and after that started the germans celebrate Valborgsmässa (Walpurgistag) – valborg. “

“Christianity stamped, however, these häxförsamlingar. But in the very fact became valborgsmässan, may 1, a proper feast and köpmanna and hantverkargillena selected new dignitaries. The evening before they all gathered outdoors for a party, and lit the pyre. “

“so St. Walpurgis name followed by the history and gave its name to the major spring feast – the eve of may day.”

“Witches and the young people lit a fire on walpurgis”

“But häxstämpeln followed for a long time with in valborgstraditionen. It was long thought the germans that the witches on the valborgsmässonatten 30 april-1 may rode on brooms and getabockar to the old offerplatserna.”

“to render harmless this spökeriet started to make noise, shout, shoot shots and lighting bonfires on the heights during valborg. “

“this is the custom, we took it over in Sweden.”

“early was associated valborgmässofirandet as a party for young people. When they were forbidden to use the churches ‘ bells to gather lit the fires to call attention. This mean some is the beginning of the fires, which now is a common feature during valborg.”

“Valborg has become the young people’s spring festival”

“But even the peasants began to light the bonfires on valborg – in order to protect their animals. It was kosläpp and the peasants burned when the fires to protect the cattle from wild animals. “

“the Farmers cleared the even slåttermarkerna and lit a big bonfire to burn the rice.”

“thus, It can also be an explanation for the so-called the maypole when.”

“But the eve of may day for most swedes is a symbol of spring and light. It got a real boost during the post-war period when the working and folkrörelseorganisationer arranged valborgseldar in different neighbourhoods. “

“today, this is more the rule than the exception during valborg. “

“And more than ever it has become spring’s first party, especially for young people and students. Many young people are doing alkoholdebut precisely on walpurgis night.”

“In our student towns it is now a big celebration. Where do you put the 30 april on studentmössan and sing ”Winter raging”.”

“the Walpurgis night is also shared with our others king Carl Gustaf of sweden birthday in honour of the day.”

“are you Wondering why other festivals celebrated?”