in the West of Switzerland, popular foie Gras in the Region remains in the range of Migros . Criticism from animal rights activists. And also the Migros Headquarters in Zurich, the reasons, the Image-like looks can’t change that. This is because the cooperatives have to finally Say that the wholesale distributor. You can’t make a decision largely on what comes to the range, but also, if you introduce a new catering concept, or whether you want to implement from the headquarters proposed austerity measures.

With its personnel-intensive structure with ten cooperatives of the group should be able to respond to the regional needs of the clientele, the idea behind the construct. But that no longer works. The smaller cooperatives have trouble to keep up with the fast changing business in the retail step of the way.

the Figures of the group. In the past year, turnover in retail trade, the Federation of Migros cooperatives increased by around two per cent to 14.6 billion Swiss francs. However, while large cooperatives, such as the Aare, Zurich and Eastern Switzerland made a Plus of about two percent, lame business elsewhere. The cooperatives of Ticino and Geneva, have suffered a decline. In the Canton of Valais as well as in the cooperative neuchâtel/Fribourg, sales stagnated. The view on the long-term development of revenues shows an even more dramatic picture: In comparison to 2010, sales in Ticino decreased by 17 percent. In Geneva, the Minus amounted to almost 14 percent. The largest co-operative, Aare, was able to increase sales in the same period of time.

Also in terms of profitability haperts, depending on the Region. The cooperative Geneva slipped in the year 2017 in the red. The operating income was 6.2 million Swiss francs in the Minus. The profit for 2018, the Geneva have not yet published, but the environment remained, according to a media release to sales hard. The shopping tourism and the competition from online channels continued to pressure. In Geneva, there is also significantly more restrictive restrictions of shop opening hours in France, says a spokeswoman. In the Ticino, where the Migros is struggling with similar difficulties, slipped the net profit in the last year, two million Swiss francs.

Migros loses – Aldi Suisse expands

But not only shopping tourism, Migros afflicted. The domestic competition continues to expand, for example, in Geneva. Aldi Suisse plans, according to a spokesman, is to open two more branches in the Canton. There are five on there already. In Ticino, Aldi already has 13 locations.

Critical voices within the Migros call the inert structures with ten cooperatives as the reason for the misery. In an environment of falling prices and at any time via a Smartphone available Online stores, the structures were no longer financially viable. An example of empty runs: It’ll be that different cooperatives have to negotiate with the same suppliers and, thereby, to much paid, say insiders. A merger of the cooperatives would be urgently needed, five would be enough, according to critics.

But of such a step, the wholesale distributor is far. The Migros-chief Fabrice Zumbrunnen invoked program Puma to increase efficiency within the group, due to less far-reaching, potential changes to a Halt. The cooperatives are resisting the notion of closer cooperation in the distribution of fresh products. The area is regarded as a core competence, and there do not want the cooperatives to three speeches.

The recent personal data also speak against a profound conversion. The external candidate Jeannine Pilloud had at the election for the Presidium of the government has no Chance. Instead, Ursula Nold is in charge of the rudder, which is already since 1996, the Migros. Nold took place mainly at the representatives of the small cooperatives support. A course of Reform by a President from outside the Migros was not uneasy. For changes in the group by Vice-President Doris Aebi. She announced this week her resignation. The chances are that someone is trying to shake up the encrusted structures of the Migros, to have fallen further.

(Sunday newspaper)

Created: 30.03.2019, 23:12 PM