Her opponent is maktpartiet Smers candidate, the EU commissioner Maros Sefcovic. He is far behind in the first round of voting two weeks ago he received only about 18 percent of the votes, while Caputova received just over 40 per cent.

Caputova represents the relatively young party Progressive Slovakia. She has limited political experience and is best known for as a lawyer received an illegal dump abandoned in his hometown. The feat earned her the nickname of ”the Slovak Erin brokovich in”, the american activist who Julia Roberts played in the movie by the same name.

that characterizes the Slovak electorate bottoms in the murder of the investigative journalist Jan Kuciak and his fiancée Martina Kusnirova. They both were shot to death in February last year. Five people, among them a slovakian entrepreneur, is accused of being behind the killings.

Although no one has yet been convicted perceived the attack as a way to silence Kuciak, who investigated the links between leading politicians and the Italian mafia.

something of a political earthquake in the korruptionströtta Slovakia. Significant protests and demonstrations took place on the streets. Several ministers and other high level executives departed before even the then prime minister Robert Fico left his post in the middle of march 2018.

Maros Sefcovic, who joined the Communist party in former Czechoslovakia some months before the eastern bloc collapsed in 1989, has emphasized its christian roots during the election campaign. He has also called Zuzana Caputovas support for the right to abortion and lgbt rights for the ”ultra-liberal”.

the Polls close at 22 Swedish time. Preliminary results are expected about three hours later.

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