The well-known american konspirationsteoretiker Alex Jones has the hearing of a witness in the state of Texas explained to his many allegations of governmental interference in, among other attacks 11. september and more violence was the result of a “psychosis”.

This writes the news agency AP and a number of local media in Texas.

Jones has, among others, repeatedly in his radio show and on his website InfoWars claimed that the u.s. government was behind the attacks on New York and Washington D. C. 11. september.

at the same time, he has several times said that skudmassakren in Newtown, where 20 children and six adults were killed, was planned by the groups, who want a tighter våbenlovgivning in the UNITED states.

It is in connection with the latter claim, that Jones has given evidence.

the Parents of a six-year, who lost their lives during the skoleskyderiet, has sued the radio host for slander and libel. Jones has alleged that the victims were in fact ‘børneskuespillere’. Several of the victims ‘families have subsequently received threats and been approached by Jones’ fans.

But now calls the Alex Jones then its claims about this and that for a fairy tale, it happened because of a mental disorder. A disorder which in several cases has resulted in his conspiracies.

According to the newspaper The Austin Statesman had Jones under the evidence have said that a psychosis did, that I saw these events as staged’.

He was, however, subsequently have continued to make unfounded claims and conspiracies about masseskyderiet in Newtown.

the radio host has long been a controversial figure in the UNITED states, and he is in more laps get in legal trouble because of his opinions.

He is also a prominent figure on the extreme right in the UNITED states. He has repeatedly referred to a so-called ‘genocide against white people’ in the UNITED states, and expressed himself in very critical terms about immigration from Latin america and the Middle east.

president of the UNITED states, Donald Trump, has several times praised Alex Jones for his radio show and ‘good reputation’.

In august 2018 was Jones’ and Infowars’ profiles removed from Facebook, Apple, Youtube and Spotify because of the persistent ‘hadtale’. Ago has more social media removed his content from their platforms.