politicians from the left party in the Bundestag about a expulsion of the U.S. Ambassador in Germany, Richard Grenell, to the vote. This I leave, “repeated the customs of the diplomatic service and in the internal Affairs of the Federal Republic of Germany interfered,” the application of a number of deputies, on Friday, the AFP news Agency there was. Therefore, the Federal government should declare Grenell Persona non grata.

Grenells behavior “is not likely to have friendly relations between Germany and the United States within the meaning of article 3 of the Vienna Convention of 18. To promote April 1961 on diplomatic relations”, – stated in the Left-hand-application. As examples of non-acceptable interference Grenells in German Affairs, the paper refers to the Statements of the Ambassador to the Pipeline project, Nord Stream 2, to the German way of dealing with the Chinese telecommunications giant Huawei and the shops of German companies with Iran.

If the template, on the first of the “image”newspaper had reported, already discussed in the coming week in the Bundestag and will be voted on is unclear. First, the leader must deal with the paper. Even if you support the request, the referral to the Federal Parliament: The agenda of Parliament is determined by the Council of Elders, in which all groups are represented.

Would Grenell declared Persona non grata, he would have to leave Germany within a certain period of time. In the past week, this had already called for the FDP Vice Wolfgang Kubicki. “Who is acting as a U.S. Diplomat as a high Commissioner of a occupying power, must learn that our tolerance also knows the limits,” he said to the explanatory statement to the AFP news Agency.

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stack of U.S. Ambassador Richard Grenell – the Undiplomat

Malte Lehming

Grenell had drawn with his Statements in the past few months, again and again, to the displeasure of German politicians. So, he called for a stop of Nord Stream 2 and threatened companies involved with sanctions. In connection with the planning for the Federal budget, he criticized the expenditure, especially the intended defence to be too low. (AFP)