Next week, he’ll close the border, not Mexico to stop illegal Migration – as US President, Trump, the Mexican government has threatened. The foreign Minister Ebrard responded immediately, also on Twitter.

US President Donald Trump has made Mexico an Ultimatum, and otherwise, again with the closure of the border to the neighboring country threatened. “If Mexico does not stop immediately stop any and all illegal Migration into the United States through our southern border, I’m going to close the border or large parts of the border next week,” tweeted Trump. Mexico would enrich themselves at the expense of the United States. It would be easy for Mexico to do something against illegal Migration, but to speech only, to act instead.

Mexico via Twitter

In recent days, hinted at the Trump several times the possibility of the closure of the Border to respond. The Mexican President, Andrés López Obrador expressed understanding for the criticism. “It is not legitimate that you are happy and the complaints to Express,” he said on Thursday. “We will help where we can. We want no quarrel with the government of the United States.”

His foreign Minister, Marcelo Ebrard said on Twitter today, less diplomatically. Mexico was on the Basis of threats – and be a great neighbor.

Trump, wants a border wall

Trump discussed for years, the Situation on the border with Mexico and had already been promised in the election campaign of 2016, to build a wall, illegal Migration, smuggling of drugs and people to curb trade prevail.

The US President speaks of a national crisis at the border, what critics consider to be completely covered. In mid-February, he had declared a National state of emergency on the border to Mexico, without the consent of Congress to the construction of a wall in Finance.

16 Federal States lawsuits against trump’s state of emergency Declaration, 19.02.2019 Trump closure to Mexico, 28.12.2018 Atlas |USA |Washington D. C.

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threatens with Border