“Three-quarters have access to the tow”

“More than three-quarters of Sweden’s households now have access to broadband internet through optical fiber cable.”

“But the Swedish urban network association is concerned for the digital exclusion, unless the government increases its support to the expansion.”

“The ongoing expansion of optical fibre means that 77 per cent of households had access to broadband fiber in 2018, it shows the Post and telecom agency (PTS) statistics. Also included are the households located in the absolute proximity of a fiberansluten building, and thus would quickly be able to get their own access, the figure is 88 per cent.”

“the rate of expansion in 2018, was 4.8 percentage points, which is somewhat lower than in 2017. But Jens Ingman, market analyst at PTS, is optimistic.”

“– It goes a little slower than the year before, on the other hand, continues the expansion. We can’t see in the statistics that the dippar, which you could believe in and with that expansion comes further and further out in the country, ” says Ingman.”

“the trade association Swedish stadsnätsföreningens ceo Mikael Ek is concerned, however, that the pace is not fast enough to reach the government’s goal by the year 2025, to 98 per cent of all households and businesses in Sweden should have access to broadband speeds of 1 gigabit per second.”

“– the Pace must actually increase if you manage to reach the goal, it means that it requires extraordinary efforts, ” says Oak.”

“the Swedish urban network association would, therefore, that the government increases its support to the deployment of broadband, both with more money and changing rules that make it possible for municipalities to help each other to a greater extent.”

” It is a transformation of society from analog to digital, where more and more of the public welfare will be managed digitally. I don’t have a fast enough broadband connection I end up in a exclusion in the coming years, as digitalisation increases, ” says Oak.”

“77 percent of households and 73% of workplaces had access to fiber in 2018. This is an increase of almost 5 percentage points for households and just over 6 percentage points for the workplace, compared with 2017. The fastest is the increase in Hallands län, followed by Blekinge and Jönköping county.”

“61 per cent of enfamiljshusen is fiberanslutna, compared with about 53 percent in 2017.”

“Source: national Post and telecom agency”