With only two days left until the day when the Uk would have left the EU (29 march), the british parliament decided to debate the alternatives to the variation of the Brexit proposed by the government.
This since the EU has given the british a deferral to the april 12.
Three major issues will dominate the day:
the Clock 18 on Wednesday, is holding the so-called 1922 committee, which the Tories all the members, a meeting behind closed doors in the house of commons.
Theresa May, will attend. It is rumored that she may announce a date later in the year when she will step down. The intention: to go the rebellious brexitörfalangen to the meeting, and then make a last ditch attempt to get a ‘ yes ‘ to the utträdesavtal negotiated with the EU.
Several heavy brexitörer – among them Jacob Rees-Mogg and Boris Johnson have in recent days indicated that they may vote yes to the agreement May leave the leadership.
But for that a yes to become a reality requires that at least 60 brexitörer in the Tory companions. A key issue will also be how the government of northern ireland was to some extent due DUP react to a possible avgångsbesked. If the DUP’s ten members decide to vote yes has Mays agreements a much better chance.
On Wednesday night, to the house of commons debate and vote on a variety of different options to the government’s plan for Brexit. To the members of parliament in this way, it tries to rip the control out of government hands, is extremely unusual in british politics.
Among the proposals that will be debated are from a ”hard” avtalslös Brexit to a so-called ”Norgelösning” (with a similar relationship to the EU as Norway has), a new referendum and to stop Brexit completely.
the Votes are called ”indicative” and are not legally binding – yet. If any or some of the proposals manage to gather a majority, the next week move on to debate and voting on formal legislation, which could undermine the government’s whole negotiating strategy.
the Results of tonight’s voting will be announced shortly after at 22 Swedish time.
last Saturday, marched hundreds of thousands of britons through London to demand a referendum on Brexit, where the ”stay in EU” available as an alternative. Around six million brits have at the same time written in a medborgarförslag to stop Brexit.
Theresa May rejects both options, because she believes that the result of the referendum held in 2016 must be respected. However, it is unclear how strong support the idea of a second referendum in the parliament.
Labourledningen has previously stated that it supports the idea of a second referendum, but only as a last option. As of this writing it is still unclear whether the opposition wholeheartedly will endorse the proposal or, if the Labour party continued in the first hand bet on to achieve a ”softer”, more EU-tillvänd Brexit, with a customs union and close relationship to the internal market.