– I was subjected to an enforced and extremely violent rape with the stranglehold and fear for my own life, on christmas day the 24. december 2015

– When I turned me to the university hospital, I was received by a nurse, taken into a ambulatorierum, which is used only for the sexually violated. My friend was with me during the entire conversation and study.

the nation – 7. jan. 2016 – pm. 14:25 She said ‘no’: the Men heard it as ‘yes’ and came violently in her

I explained all about the switch to man and the abuse, explained that I knew of, which the few who actually get the judgment, and that it would be a claim against the claim. Which I am in no way in addition to would be able to bear to get kicked in the head in the right of her.

– It gave the me the right.

– I was examined mht bl.a. negleskrab, swabs vaginally, anally, etc, were asked the naked to turn me around and were photographed attending to lacerations, bruising etc.

I went home after that. Had to subsequently fight me for one single hour psychologist interview through the center.

– Subsequently, I look at Health.dk, that out from my diagnosebeskrivelse, says: ’the inquiry is ongoing. alleged rape / seduction’.

– A subjective and highly offensive wording, which makes me feel double molested, as well as a distrust of my statement.

so begins a woman who, for bl.a. his daughter, will not stand up with name and photo, a letter to the nation! on the way the system has filed her voldtægtsbehandling. The woman has asked the nation! get The comment to her letter – it is below – and the woman has read it and is happy. Her letter continues namely as follows:

– The selected text in the diagnosekoden shows that society has taken a position.

– It shows a distrust of the medical world, and when I of the other reasons have a need to turn to health care, be it emergency department, scans etc., bothers me deeply that the professionals can see the diagnosis description and diagnosis in the whole.

– It is stigmatizing enough without others ‘ judgment over a.

– The suspicion is in ‘alleged’ is the worst thing that can denote the statement that, since the man himself as a victim fighting with the big guilt feeling, as well as the subsequent works unreal.

‘Seduction’, the wording mentioned in the diagnosis, is also the most terrible, since it has the meaning that you have been involved in the abuse of the show, that you have played with.

– the Seduction must be two-to – abuse one, ending the woman who, for bl.a. his daughter, will not stand up with name and photo.

the nation! has as mentioned asked the university hospital to answer the question of whether they can understand that the woman has it bad with the physician’s formulation of the ’alleged rape/seduction’, why they write alleged/seduction and whether they are still using the wording. And the answers are yes, um and no:

– We can fully understand, that the woman wonder about the wording that is in the record.

– All contacts to the health care must have a ’diagnosetekst’, and ’alleged rape’ was the code you have used, when a woman was referred or came to the hospital, because she had been raped and would have to be investigated or dealt with in the context.

– the Text uses the word ‘ALLEGED’ which can be perceived as to not have believed the woman’s explanation. It is a very unfortunate choice of words, since there already are many victims of rape who feel great guilt.

– Also, the word rape is a legal term that rightfully belong to after there is decreased judgment in a case, but which is used inappropriately in many contexts.

– We have at several times made aware of the unfortunate wording, which, incidentally, is not the physician’s formulation, but the system diagnosetekst, by a written communication to sundhedsdatastyrelsen in december 2016.

– At the Rigshospitalet in copenhagen, we do not use the code in the system longer. We use instead code: DT 742 Sexual assault, says the university hospital, who also informs that the woman he turn to Sundhedsdatastyrelsen, if she would have changed the diagnosis.