The waiver from 2021 on cotton swabs, straws and balloon holder made of plastic is hardly likely to fall for someone hard. The alternatives are plenty of. But noticeably the seas to be rescued – not to mention the climate – the corresponding prohibition of such and other disposable plastic products by the EU Parliament.

Because plastic is everywhere. Cucumbers and Apples are coated in the supermarket, sometimes individually. Cars and planes are now about 50 per cent plastic, now more clothes from the plastics Polyester and Nylon than from cotton or wool. And who looks at once in a children’s room, you realize that empires are made of metal or even wood and have long since retreated.

mountains of garbage increase the poverty in the world

The triumphal March of the plastic but also has a social component. It is based on the poverty of many people. This may not be so visible. Clearly it is, but especially in Asia. Large companies from Europe, we are Unilever or Nestlé, have one of your most important sales markets. That is exactly where you sell your products in smaller packaged units.

the example of the Philippines: The vast majority of the approximately 100 million people can’t afford Shampoo, Oil or toothpaste actually. For only mini amounts of there are sold in so-called Sachets. These small packages land in large quantities in the sea. Worldwide, 150 million tons of plastic floating in the oceans. The largest floating garbage landscape will now be three times as large as France.

This garbage, the poverty mountains in the world. Still, many people, especially in Asia, are directly dependent on what it has to offer the lake. Currently: more trash, less fish. As soon as the sea beast takes the miniature plastic parts, die even more fish, crabs and shrimp. What is missing is a recycling concept that allows poorer States, their resulting plastic waste is sensible to recycle. Not in the sea, but in modern incineration and recycling plants.

this is where Europe should go ahead. Legally binding measures such as the EU Parliament, to plastic, to restrict production and to make companies and governments responsible for any damages that are an important first step. But the EU cannot stop now. Specifically you might bring to introduce a plastic Deposit, and the producers to make a real circuit packaging. Scientists of the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft have developed a bioplastic made from Corn, and wood is biodegradable.

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The Problem: The major manufacturers of conventional plastic in fear of their business. Worldwide, the industry is investing a billion in the PR-campaign of the “Alliance against plastic waste in the environment”. In the Development of new plastic productions so much, however, is flowing equal to 200 Times.