”the Slogan is consistent, perhaps not with the usual kanslityska, but it touches on the core quite precisely”, says transport minister Andreas Scheuer in the high-profile commercial and the accompanying posters. ”Helmets save lives.”
criticized, but how well it is illustrated. In several scenes appearing young men and women with thin or no clothing on the upper body, which brought criticism from members of the public, but most from the opposition.
“It’s embarrassing, stupid and sexist by the minister of transport to sell their policies on the naked skin, said the social democrats’ sorority ASF president Maria Noichl to Bild am Sonntag.
German transportdepartementets advertising campaign shown in Berlin. The scantily clad models in the ad has sparked criticism that tax money is used for the sexist content. Photo: Markus Schreiber
Several of her colleagues have expressed similar views. Correspondingly, the kvinnopolitiska spokesperson Josephine Ortleb believe that the government is in need of a gender equality policy.
without a helmet in Germany and between the ages of 17 to 30 years, the proportion is 8 per cent, according to the ministry of transport. German trafiksäkerhetsfrämjandet DVR has expressed its support to the campaign as a priority to reach the group.
Nudity and a helmet is not a new recipe to draw the attention of the human body’s vulnerability in traffic. 2006, for example, the australian Motorcycle Council of NSW a stir with a series of such filmannonser and about 25 years earlier, the Swedish NTF similar posters under the slogan ”The naked truth”.