Sint-Niklaas In the new Four-program Blind Bought give six couples their entire budget and all of the control out of your hands because they have their dream home itself will not find. Also Anton Verhelst (32) and Roxana Boilers (25) from Temse, who for two years were looking for a new spot in the Waasland. In February, they are already moved. Or Dina Tersago and her team to their dreamed place have found, from Wednesday to see it on tv. “For us, this was a particularly exciting adventure!”
What happens when couples is one of the most important decisions in a person’s life completely hands-off? Dina Tersago take from today that surprising experiment in the new Four-program Blind Bought. Six couples have trusted their savings blind to Dina, which together with an estate agent and an interior designer looking for that one dream home that the couples themselves, but not to get it. The couples get their house only to see after it for them is bought.
For Roxana Boilers and Anton Verhelst is the adventure in the meantime, behind the back. They live since the 13th of February in their new home. If it is really their dream house has become, will the tv program lost. But that it is a special period, is already clear. “Many people declared us mad”, they laugh. “Especially that we all control out of the hands of the gifts and others with our savings about us new house had to decide, elicits a lot of reactions. But we have ventured. Life is for the brave. And we had already for two years, tried, without result.”