The protection of the Constitution should also have information about radicalised children save – the Federal government wants it to interior Minister Seehofer. The Ministry of justice does not want to participate in this project, apparently.

Federal interior Minister Horst Seehofer encounters with a foray to the protection of the Constitution. The CSU politician wants to assert that the Federal office for the protection of the Constitution (BfV) may in the future also store information about radicalised children under the age of 14. This is not allowed.

Federal interior Minister Seehofer wants to give the protection of the Constitution for more powers in the Supervision of children.

According to the Funke media group, the Federal Ministry of justice does not want to support the bill. Minister Katarina Barley of the SPD, and sees, therefore, “the extent of the surveillance measures significantly exceeded”. The Ministry would therefore not enter into an in-depth legal assessment of the individual schemes.

Also, the Ministry did not see any strengthening of the parliamentary control of the intelligence service. It had been agreed in the coalition agreement.

Kinderschutzbund indignant

Clear criticism of Seehofer’s Plan also came from the German child protection Association. “Children are never the perpetrators, at least not for children under 14 years of age,” said Association President Heinz Hilgers, the editors ‘ network of Germany. It was not observed “in accordance with our legal order”, and young people.

Also in the case of criminal responsibility in Germany there is an age limit of 14 years. This is not fixed by the legislature “in vain” exactly so, said Hilgers.

Behind the previous age limit of 14 years of age when the protection of the Constitution, the Consideration that children should have no disadvantage, if they were advised by radicalised parents in the focus of the constitutional protection. Is this important when looking for a future Job, a security check is required.