“More hazardous cars allowed after the new rules,”
“Then the transport agency raised the limit values go far more vehicles with high emissions through the inspection. According to industry, Sweden is the worst in Europe at controlling car exhaust emissions.”
“– You can clear your particle filter so that it is an empty jar, and still go through the inspection, ” says Tord Fornander, chairman of the besiktningsbranschens organization.”
“In may of 2018 entered new rules for vehicle inspection in force that changed how emissions should be measured. It was made to adapt the Swedish legislation after the relevant EU directives. Among other things, was the so-called skyltvärdet away, which specifies the emission levels specifically for each vehicle model, and was replaced with general limits that are often many times higher.”
“in Addition, introduced the rules that the vehicles are older than 50 years not used in commercial traffic, and motorcycles that are older than 40 years, does not need to besiktas.”
“these rule Changes were met with criticism, including from the environmental protection agency, which considered that it is not sustainable with increases of carbon monoxide and kolvätevärden for petrol cars. They had rather seen a tightening.”
“According to statistics from the stock market reporter with finanstidningen, the trade association for the besiktningsföretagen, decreased the percentage of rejected vehicles for environmental reasons significantly compared with before after that the rules were made for.”
“When skyltvärdet applied during the June to december 2017 rejected around 7 per cent of diesel cars in euro classes 1. The same period a year senaren, when the thresholds has been increased, the figure was 0.5 per cent. For the most modern environment class euro class 6 decreased the share of low achievers diesel vehicles from 3.8% 2017 0.3% 2018.”
“What applies the most modern bensinbilarna decreased the rejected vehicles from 2.9 percent to 0.26 percent, Dagens industri was first reported.”
“Tord Fornander, president of the stock market reporter with finanstidningen, believes that the limits have been so high in Sweden that all environmental examination really is unnecessary.”
“– You can clear your particle filter so that it is an empty jar, and still go through the inspection. It is well that we think is pretty crazy, ” he says.”
“Worse than the rest of Europe”
“the Report that the organization has produced, and which have not yet been published, covering around one million vehicles at both mätningstillfällena from the cars that were examined in companies Opus and the Motor – which is about 50 per cent of the industry, according to Tord Fornander.”
“He believes that Sweden currently has the worse environmental controls at the inspection than other parts of Europe.”
“– We had suggestions on what had been reasonable limits. It is not about to put the vehicle in utsläppsskandalen but it’s all about vehicles it is wrong. A particle filter is an important component in a diesel car, ” says Tord Fornander.”
“at variance with the current climate targets, the emissions of greenhouse gases from road transport by half a percent, or 76 000 tonnes last year, according to the Swedish transport administration. Expansive dwellings is considered to be a cause, but also they changed the limits have an impact.”
“– Yes, it is clear that it has. But how much worse air we get in Sweden is not possible to say. But it is a step in the wrong direction, ” says Tord Fornander.”
“Directly after besiktningsreglerna were introduced, the environmental protection agency and the Swedish transport agency commissioned to investigate the effect of them. The results shall be reported on 1 October.”