“Now dance the tens of thousands of cranes in the spring”
“check out the cranes at Hornborgasjön in Västergötland”
“the Cranes have landed at lake Hornborgasjön in Västergötland and a secure sign of spring may be looking for. This year it looks to be a record number of cranes so make a visit and be fascinated by the beautiful birds and be impressed by their powerful dance. “
“Lake hornborga is one of Europe’s most important bird lakes. Here are several lookout towers, a visitor centre, guided tours and incredible nature experiences year-round. Each spring attracts thousands of dancing cranes of visitors to the wetland between Skövde, Skara and Falköping.”
“Even in the middle of march, landing the first the cranes at the southern end of the lake at Bjurum. Until the end of april, you can watch thousands of cranes each morning, landing in the fields at sunrise. Here, they eat and dance until sunset when they return to their beds in the shallow waters of the lake.”
“most have 26 000 cranes danced here on the same day. But it is not impossible that the record is turned in years. In winter counted 250 000 cranes in Spain and there are many of them breeding in the Nordic countries.”
“the Tradition that transkåda have been a festival on here since the beginning of the 50’s. Every spring will now around 150 000 visitors to see ”the cranes bear the light in the bed”, which means that they will spring to our cold Scandinavia.”
“In Skåne, sweden, stops the cranes to, inter alia, at the Pulken” outside Yngsjö. There is also a nature room. This year is the record number of cranes here, Sunday, 24 march, was counted a total of 9 900 migrating cranes.”
“you Have not been able to visit the cranes, you can a sneak peek of them on their webcams.see.”