The European Parliament has advocated for an end to the time change in the year 2021. For the actual abolition, however, a compromise must be reached with the member States.

The European Parliament has voted in favour of abolishing the time change from the year 2021. 410 of the deputies in Strasbourg voted in favour, 192 against it. 51 abstained. With the consent of the Parliament followed a recommendation by the traffic Committee.

A majority of MEPs in the EU Parliament voted in Strasbourg for the elimination of the time change.

Only an intermediate step

The vote in the EU Parliament was an important hurdle for the end of the time changeover. In the actual legislative process, the vote is only an intermediate step. Before the final decision can come, the EU transport Ministers on a common line. Then, you have to find with negotiators of the EU Parliament a compromise. This is not expected before the autumn of 2019.