Finally, he has a good chance to return the favor. Four years ago, group chief Balthasar Glättli had to talk to the second defeat of the Green in a row, nice. In the national Council elections in 2007 the party had cracked nearly the Ten-percent-hurdle and claim a seat in the Federal Council be charged. But then the spin-off of the green liberal made themselves felt, it is a thirst began to stretch, the voters share dropped to 7.1 percent.

Now, after the success in Zurich, is looking Glättli the national Council elections of October with confidence: “We draw in a woman of the year in a climate of choice. Both of these topics fit very well to the political economy.” The aim of the campaign Manager: “We want to bring back all the seats we lost four years ago, and in some cantons also provide additional gain.”

In the Canton of Zurich, the party returns with Martin Neukom in the government, when a member of the Parliament they increased the vote share by 4.7 percentage points to 11.9 percent. Since 2015, she has won in the cantonal parliaments 27 mandates, particularly in the Romandie. This is long-thanks to years of building work, says party President Regula Rytz. The next Tests are scheduled on the weekend in Lucerne and Basel-land, then in April in Ticino. It manages the green wave to ride more, it could strengthen the party in the autumn of their 11 national Council seats to 19.

“Cassis is unlucky”

Thus, the question of 2007 would re-impose: Include the Green party in the Federal Council? “If it should repeat in the autumn, the green Zurich landslide on the national level, we would have to think about a new magic formula”, says Glättli. “The two strongest parties have two seats each, the next three each have a seat.”

The SVP and the SP, both represented twice, the Greens have nothing to dispute, not the CVP, the fourth-strongest party. The victim of a green wave would rather the liberals. Party President Rytz says: “Purely mathematically, the second FDP-seat in the Federal Council today would be a green seat.” The amtsjüngste FDP-Magistratin, Karin Keller-Sutter was supported by the Greens and would have little reason to worry. Rather, the seat of the Ticino FDP-Federal Council of Ignazio was shaking Cassis. “Cassis, the right-slip in the Federal Council came in, and he is in his dossier, so far, unlucky on the road”, says Glättli, the limits immediately: “We should deselect incumbent Federal councillors, but only if there is a very clear mandate from the electorate.” The FDP, too, will it be more difficult than if you travel losses.

Carefully, also the party President Regula Rytz comment: “A Federal Council seat is an Option. However, our main goal is climate justice.” The restraint has reasons. What Balthasar Glättli celebrates as green Zurich landslide, a tribute not only to his party but also the green liberal party GLP. This is on a national level, there is a third smaller than the Green party, has won in the Canton of Zurich with 5.3 percentage points more, and is 12.9 percent of the voters share in front of the Green.

GLP has its own ambitions

GLP-President Jürg Grossen, rejects a green Entente for the Federal Council elections. “Alone of climate protection because we can’t call for with the Green a Federal Council seat,” says the Bernese national councillor. The state government should not be due to individual elections turned inside out. The CVP should lose, however, continue to be voters, but also a lot of the composition of the Federal Council question: “If the big three parties, three more with similar strength to follow, one must look at the magic formula.” It could be a Rotation, would be Great says.

The dream scenario of the green-liberals is a different one. In the autumn of the GLP in the national Council of wool grow from seven to at least ten mandates, and in the medium term, national will be the fourth-largest party, says Large: “The fourth-largest party has a seat in the Federal Council.”

SP-group chief Roger Nordmann likes to play thoughts about the Federal Council elections do not Express any opinion. More important: “For the SP, the election victories of the Green is ideal. Previously, these went mostly to our detriment, but this time we keep our seats.” Thus, it is possible “to break the right-wing majority in the national Assembly”. The success of SP and Green however, if the GLP is gaining ground in the middle. This was in the protection of the environment themes are a reliable partner, but otherwise not tangible, says the SP-strategist. The GLP voted for an increase in the deductibles in the mandatory health insurance, says Nordmann: “In the social policy, the green liberals are even to the right of the FDP.”

(editing Tamedia)

Created: 26.03.2019, 11:26 PM