The European Parliament adopted the controversial Reform of the copyright law without Changes and thus the way for an early implementation of paved. The particularly controversial article that takes platforms like Youtube, more, was held on Tuesday in Strasbourg a majority of MEPs.

For the Reform voted a total of 348 members of Parliament. 274 deputies were against, 36 abstained.

According to the proponents of the Reform to make copyright fit for the Internet. The opponents fear that the Reform will lead to the introduction of so-called upload filter. The bill must now be approved by the Council of the EU representing the governments of the member States. As a possible date for the 9. April.

Protest on the street

The Protest against the Reform of Copyright and in particular article 13, which means in the final text of the law article 17, was last become, especially in Germany getting bigger and bigger. At the weekend tens of thousands took in several German cities on the street.

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for Free order

critics of article 13 apply, above all, that platforms like Youtube should have to verify that, in the future, during the Upload, whether the contents contain copyrighted Material. That is your opinion, only so-called Upload-Filter possible, in which the danger was that much more than is necessary will be sorted out. This will lead to censorship.

to force From the point of view of the proponents, in contrast, platforms that knowingly with third-party content to earn money, a fair licensing.

Also controversial is the now also approved article, which provides for an ancillary copyright law for press publishers. After that, messages have to search engines like Google News for Displaying article snippets in the future, pay money to the publishers. Here critics see, in particular, for small publishers disadvantages, would have to Google a weak negotiating position. In addition, they point to Germany, where there is a performance right since 2013, not to mention it, but money payments to the publishers.

The CDU members of the European Parliament, Axel Voss has seen the assent of the European Parliament on the new copyright laws as “victories for democracy”. “With the Reform we are creating for the first time, legal security for private User, the set music or Videos to the Internet,” says Voss, who had negotiated the project leader with the EU member States, on the Tuesday following the decisive vote in Parliament. “The Internet is not a law-free space, the principles of the rule of law also apply in the network.”

The sharpest critic of the project, a pirate party politician Julia Reda, spoke on Twitter of a black day for the network to freedom. The SPD politician Tiemo Wölken, also a prominent opponent of Parts of the Reform, said: “The majority in Parliament ignored the voices of hundreds of thousands of young people.”

Federal Minister of justice Katarina Barley (SPD), deplored the approval by the European Parliament to some very controversial points. “I very much regret that the European Parliament has positioned itself today against the upload filter,” said Barley in Berlin on Tuesday. “You are going the wrong way.” Barley said: “it is Now the policy so that artists actually benefit from it, and freedom of expression and diversity in the network remain the same.”

war of words in Parliament

Shortly before the vote on the Reform had delivered to opponents and supporters of the project in the European Parliament on Tuesday morning fierce word battles. Of the five million citizens a Petition against the planned upload have demonstrated filter, said Julia Reda of the pirate party, a Worführerin the opponents of Reform.

More than 200,000 people had demonstrated at the weekend against these plans. However, any criticism had been ignored – the EU Commission had referred to the protesters rather than “Mob”.

Reda also referred to a report the “Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung” (FAZ) about a potential barter between Germany and France, according to Berlin, the Paris, desired Reform of the copyright law supports. In return, France agreed to support Germany in the dispute over the Nord stream 2 gas pipeline.

Federal Minister of justice Barley is against the upload filter, said the SPD Deputy Wölken. You’ve have to bow to German Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU), which “has closed a Deal with France.” The debate not long ago on the subject of copyright. It is much more about dealing with democracy. The EU Commission had denigrated the participants in the demonstrations. In addition, the rumor had been spread that the protesters of the Internet giant have been paid.

Balance between the interests

Axel Voss rejected the criticism of the planned Reform. It concerns only large platforms, the “earned a lot of money”. The aim of the Reform was to create a Balance between the interests of the Creative and freedom of expression. There will be no “censorship”.

Axel Voss, CDU-Europe politician who has negotiated the project leader with the EU countries, appealed to the deputies,…photo: Jean Francois Badias/AP/dpa

It is Internet-giants such as Google, Facebook or YouTube to responsibility, said the French Liberal Jean-Marie Cavada. The economic situation of the press is catastrophic. With the press of a part of the democracy was “in danger”. The planned Reform was “the only Chance” to protect the future of Creative.

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debate on the upload filter the European Parliament Who vote against the Reform, vote for it, that “art is a useless art decides on controversial copyright

Oliver Voß

” warned Verheyen, the CDU member of Parliament Sabine. “Who benefits from the Internet giants”. Creative in Europe would be able to live from their work, and also stressed the EU Commissioner for the digital economy, Maria Gabriel. (dpa, epd, AFP)