Sportsudstyrsfirmaet Yonex have announced the Badminton Denmark’s director, Bo Jensen, to the police for forgery.

This was stated by Yonex to DR.

– I can confirm that the report is sent to the Copenhagen Police, and we now await their assessment of the case, says Benni Holst, who is the director of Scansport, which has Yonex agency in the Nordic region.

the Company announced earlier this month that there was a police report on the way in the matter, which goes back to the conflict between the connected and the Danish badminton players.

Yonex believes that Bo Jensen along the way in the process manipulated the e-mails.

the Conflict was completed in January and resulted in a six-year agreement between the players and the federation.

But Yonex was not satisfied with the methods used by Badminton Denmark-the director allegedly took in use along the way.

Yonex explained that the company had been aware that an undated document was shared out from Bo Jensen, Badminton Spillerforeningen and a number of players.

Supposedly in an attempt to bridge the gap between the Yonex, the federation’s own sponsors and the players.

the Document is signed by the manager of Yonex international sales department in Japan, Taiji Suzuki, but according to Yonex are engineered with the company’s requirements and views, and Yonex rejects that Suzuki has sent such a letter.

Badminton Denmark’s board of directors rejects over for the DR, that the accusation has nothing.

the Extra Leaf has so far tried in vain to get in touch with Bo Jensen..