the Whole country gets a new akutnummer: 113.

The new number will replace the 1813 and the other akutnumre, such as the regions of today are operating with, if the government and the Danish people’s Party gets the power, as they have heed after the upcoming elections. It tells the minister of the interior Simon Emil Ammitzbøll-Beetle at the presentation of the government’s and DF’s health care reform.

The current akuttelefoner would not be continued, tells Ammitzbøll-Beetle.

the Danish policy – 26. mar. 2019 – at. 09:30 Loop and Tulle agree: Will scrap the regions

The new akutnummer does not replace 112, but will be a common number for all of Denmark.

The current akuttelefoner has been heavily criticised in several regions of the pga. fluctuating quality and long waiting times.

Of reform, it appears that the new number will ensure that patients always know where to turn, if there occurs an urgent situation, regardless of where in the country they are located. The call will be routed to local health services, which know the local conditions. The new phone number is complementary to 112, which must continue to be used when there is acute danger to life.’

the FACTS: Here is sundhedsreformens key points

VLAK-the government and the Danish people’s Party concluded an agreement on health care. The agreement will be presented Tuesday at 09.30 at a press conference in the prime minister’s office.

the Agreement contains roughly nine billion dollars to the health service from 2020-2025.

Here are the main elements of the agreement:

* Patients ‘rights must be strengthened:

There must be better support and guidance, and patients’ rights must be respected and complied with throughout the country.

when the woman should have the right to two days of stay at hospital or patient hotel.

There should be more opportunities for experimental treatment in life-threatening illness.

* Psychiatry must be strengthened:

the Capacity and quality in the treatment of the most ill psychiatric patients need to be strengthened.

the treatment capacity in psychiatric specialist practice for children and young people must be strengthened, and there should be a special effort for vulnerable young people.

* More hands:

There must be a greater capacity in the general health care practice, and the tasks should be organised more flexibly.

* Better conditions for patients in the national health service:

There must be increased security at akutområdet.

There must be a commitment to national cooperation of a highly specialized hospital treatment, and there must be increased collaboration and more cross-cutting solutions in the it and data area.

* Proximity and context:

21 sundhedsfællesskaber to ensure consistency and proximity. There should be better skills in the close health and new modern sundhedshuse.

* Future organisation of the health care system:

the Government and the Danish Parliament lays down the direction with a development plan. Health care Denmark to ensure momentum and consistent solutions throughout the country, and health services replacing the regions.

Source: Agreement of 26. march: A stronger health care – closer to you.