It’s far, far, more than 400 000 euros, which have triggered this legal battle. Before the Federal administrative court (BVerwG) in Leipzig, the penultimate instance, is being negotiated, the question is this Tuesday (starting at 09.00), whether football clubs for additional police costs in high-risk play.

Has triggered a special event, the legal battle?

Yes, this event is now almost four years. Trigger a notice of Fees, the city of Bremen in the German football League had sent. Height: 425 718,11 Euro. Reason: The police use in the first League match between SV Werder Bremen and Hamburger SV. 969 police officers were in the high-risk game. The DFL complained on 25. April 2016 against the notice of Fees.

As decided in the first instance?

court of Bremen was Negotiated first, before the administration. This was on 17. May 2017 the DFL complaint is upheld and the notice of Fees to the city of Bremen declared unlawful. Reason, among other things, deficiencies in the assessment of the Fees. Especially, the method of calculation is simply too vague and therefore unlawful, had explained to the court. “We have won”, had DFL President Reinhard Rauball said. The city of Bremen, went in Revision won before the administrative court.

As decided by the second instance?

The court rejected the claim of the DFL 21. February 2018. It is the task of the state to ensure public safety and to Finance this through taxes, it was said in the court ruling. However, the legislators have a wide decision – making and room for manoeuvre, for which services he charges want to when they are individually accountable.

“The collection of a fee for the use of additional police forces continues, it is permitted to the special responsibility of the applicant. As an organizer she pulls an economic Benefit from the event, to ensure its trouble-free implementation has a special interest.“ Rauball countered: “football is a cause of violence, and a mere redistribution of costs does not lead to the necessary reduction of police operations.” The court had reduced the total to 415 000 Euro.

As the proceedings before the Federal administrative court?

at the hearing, first the Rapporteur of the Senate an Overview of the case. The judgments of the lower courts are combined, the administrative court of Bremen and the higher administrative court of Bremen. Subsequently, both Parties, DFL and the city of Bremen – have the opportunity to comment on the case. At the end of the hearing, the requests of the Parties. Then the five judges withdraw for consultation.

The decision but is not announced on Tuesday. The reason for this is, among other things, that it will be the first to give a Live broadcast of the verdict at the Federal administrative court. As things currently Stand, the decision will be announced on Friday.

What instances there are after the Federal administrative court?
then The last possible instance, the Federal constitutional court in Karlsruhe.

the costs for police operations to be worn at all Games of the Clubs?

no, it’s about the so-called high-risk games and also, since only the costs incurred by the deployment of additional police forces. Legally, the term is not defined in a high-risk game.

What are the games that will be previously evaluated. The police checks whether the criteria for a high-risk game is available, on the other, the respective home clubs can appreciate the potential danger. In many cases, the assessments of Clubs and associations, and the police would cover. “But you can differ due to the different assessment scale and different valuations of a risk position from each other,” – said of the DFL.

What could the clubs and the DFL, when the notice of Fees would ultimately be declared legal?

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football-high-risk games in Bremen promotes the participation of the clubs of the police costs

Albert radio

If the city of Bremen gets it right, other States will follow and the DFL operations, the costs for additional police, to come to the professional football estimated cost of around 20 million euros per year. There are also Clubs in the third League, which still has the professional status and under the umbrella of the DFB and not the DFL, and possibly even in the fourth League meet. the (dpa)