It was a hard-pressed Theresa May who gave a speech in the british house of commons on Monday. The whole weekend had the surrat rumors of her imminent departure. In tidningsstånden braskade tabloid The Sun’s förstasidesrubrik: ”the Time is out, Theresa”.

” I continue to believe that the best thing for Britain is to leave the EU with a contract. But I’m forced to conclude that there is currently not enough support in this chamber for holding a new, third vote on it, ” said Theresa May.

purely legally, is still on the way to a avtalslös Brexit (”no deal” in English) – although it deferred to the april 12, which the EU agreed.

– Option to a ”no deal” is either to seek a different form of the Brexit, or to hold a second referendum. But then we would need to seek a considerably longer delay of Brexit, which would mean that we have to participate in the EUROPEAN elections. And then we have not been able to ensure Brexit, ” said May.

the Question is if she can remain as prime minister if she, against her will, be forced to apply for a delay beyond the EUROPEAN elections. In recent years, May in the case of more than one hundred occasions promised to leave the EUROPEAN union 29 march – so the shorter the delay tingled for her.

in the prime minister’s party the Tories and the northern ireland, northern ireland, stödpartiet DUP can save her if they vote yes to the agreement. But according to newspaper reports, requires the to May first to announce his upcoming resignation.

In the weekend, there were intense negotiations between the government and the brexitörerna. Among other things, the former foreign minister, Boris Johnson, have participated. Johnson is one of several candidates for the leadership of the Tories and in his måndagskolumn in The Daily Telegraph, he wrote that it required a new leadership in the continuing negotiations, that he should even consider voting yes to the agreement.

the Same seems to apply for the DUP, whose management went to hard attack on May.

the Prime minister has known for a long time that 29 march was the deadline. So, why have we not made the necessary preparations? This is a fundamental lack of preparation – and the government is solely responsible for it, ” said Nigel Dodds, the leader of the DUP in the european parliament.

in parliament, turning Brexitkontrollen from Theresa Mays hands.

Late on Monday night voted in the house of commons, yes, to set aside time now on Wednesday for debate and decision on alternative Brexitplaner. Meps will then vote on the various proposals to give ”indications” on the type of Brexit, which can be accepted.

Among the alternative plans which should be considered is a ”Norgelösning”, with a similar relationship to the EU as Norway, and a proposal for a second referendum.

Such ”indicative” votes are not binding on the government – but they can make it politically untenable to push the line that the Uk should leave without a contract, if not Mays agreement, yes.

so it is not impossible that she, deep down, welcome this. A small possibility exists that, eventually, can get Boris Johnson and the other brexitörerna to realize that their dreams of a ”hard”, avtalslös Brexit is nothing more than just that – dreams.

If May be able to get a yes to their agreement before the week is over, however, require large positionsförändringar. Right now, it seems that a new election be a more realistic option, if she wants to make a last-ditch attempt to secure support for the agreement in parliament.

in another setback: three deputy ministers resigned unexpectedly to be able to go against partipiskan and vote yes for the proposal on ”indicative” votes.

The three were deputy näringslivsministern Richard Harrington, deputy foreign minister Alistair Burt and deputy minister Steve Brine. No heavy drop-out – but it nevertheless shows in Theresa Mays weaker authority in his party.