The Geneva public Prosecutor’s office in the summer of 2015, in front of a puzzle. The investigators were sure to have with Antonio F. the man in focus, of the 6. February 2015 its neighbor, Nicole B. was strangled. However, the body of the 73-Year-old remained untraceable. So the Prosecutor’s office planted a police officer as a fellow prisoner in Antonio F. s prison cell. The police officer with the cover name Paulo spoke with Antonio F., a native Portuguese, only in his mother language. He should win his trust. The managed to. Antonio F. in the one and a half months, in which the two shared the cell, information about the murder of Nicole B. price, and revealed to Paulo, he had murder plans against his brother-in-law in Portugal, because of this you owe him 32’000 Euro.

Since yesterday, Antonio F. stands in front of the Geneva criminal court. “Without the use of Paulo, we would have found the body of Nicole B. never,” Prosecutor Endri Gega customized approach. This court had authorized the action. Antonio F. s lawyers had been informed and would have never mentioned about it, so Gega. Nevertheless, F.’s defenders requested that the criminal court allow for Paulo’s work as evidence. The judges decided differently.

According to the indictment, the Accused, Nicole B. drew at the 5. February in his apartment. The 53-year-old Antonio F. should have known that his neighbor had taken off at noon, 40’400 Euro at your Bank. Once in his apartment, handcuffed the defendant, Nicole B. and gagged. Then he went to her apartment, strangled her and took her purse. The next day, he made the body in the car to France and buried them in a forest. A week later, he burned the carcasses.

money in chicken

In the survey on the sequence of events is hidden, Antonio F. was yesterday confused explanations. Nicole B. had owed him 3000 Euro, which he demanded back, which is where there is a conflict. He had tied her up with a sweater to a chair, then the chair being overturned, of what she died. “It was an accident,” said the Accused. The 40’400 Euro he wants to have never seen. The state attorney was certainly in the house of Antonio F.’s sister in Portugal, however, the appropriate sum. The sister said that her brother had hidden the money in what Antonio F. denies. However, he confessed, Nicole B.’s stolen purse and to have their Bank cards for purchases and cash withdrawals in the amount of several Thousand francs used.

a psychiatrist keep in expertise, Antonio F. have a pathological relationship with money. He is broken out of the dead Nicole B. even a gold tooth, and watches and jewelry were stolen. In the case of a house search, police officers found in F. s apartment, money in the freezer, hidden in a chicken. Antonio F. from castle yesterday that he suffer from a personality disorder. In the comments on his Childhood, he stood out, he had been humiliated by his mother and beaten. Nevertheless, he cared for until her death. The mother died in 2015, shortly before his arrest.

The process lasts for several days; the verdict is expected next week.

(editing Tamedia)

Created: 25.03.2019, 23:16 PM